Kitten [2]

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As soon as I stepped foot into my mini apartment complex, Yoongi was out the cage and landing on the leather black couch which faced my flat screen. His slated brown eyes rapidly closed although his pointy ears perked up while I talked to myself, or maybe now...Him.

"The asshole of a landlord hates animals. So we're gonna have to hide you when she comes around Sug." I spoke towards the kitten, moving to open the fridge and pull out our dinner for tonight. I could hear a faint meow from the living room, which connected with the kitchen.

"We're having lasagna," As I pulled the heat-able foods into the oven, setting the temperature before moving to sit beside the kitchens island bench, you couldn't help but jump when I saw your kitten situated on the bench in front of you.

His eyes glared at my own brown ones unblinking, he meowed before his nose scrunched up into something that looked as if he disagreed with my words.

"Oh no, you are not complaining mister, not when I'm the boss." I pointed at myself with emphasis as Yoongi's eyes followed my hands, before I could speak again, he...

Rolled his eyes.

My brows immediately scrunched together and my mouth made an inaudible gasp as I leaned forwards and examined my Kitten as he stared straight back, unmoving.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?!" I snapped my head away from him, ignoring the kitten as he meowed and continued to try and pry at my attention as I moved to pull the food out of the oven.

He continued to scratch his paws at my skin as I finally placed myself on the bench with my Kimchi and fried rice, also with a small bowl of kimchi for Yoongi, but I continued to ignore him.

When I placed the food down for him, he didn't touch it, continuing to stare at me with those wide brown eyes, his mouth was plucked in a scowl if it was even possible for a kitten to do that.


In a second after the words left my lips, Yoongi had suddenly jumped and grabbed onto the edge of my jumper with the nails of his mittens, just at my chest. I gasped as he continued to climb up the top and gradually pull the front of my shirt down at his weight.

"Yoongi stop!" You chanted, trying to pry him from your shirt, he slipped away, slyly moving onto your bra as he slid and fell inside the top, his claws still holding onto the top of the shirt for dear life.

But his body continued to nuzzle into my chest.

And I was burning red, I'm sure my cheeks were a vibrant pink, my skin felt so abnormally sensitive as Yoongi continued to cuddle inside my shirt, still hanging by his one claw and staring at my bra which was white and lace.

That's when I felt it.

The strange sensation of something wet, slimy, warm, even prickly drawing across my bared chest, far too close to the inside of the bra, it came again, closer, so much closer to the bra.

Then it hit me, like a ton of bricks to the head.



3 weeks later.

Kitten » YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now