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"Who was that?" The kitten had growled in pure distraught as the door was slammed behind his form coming into the apartment.

Distraught was caught in your expression, deeply narrowed eyebrows could conclude to how buzzed you were over the situation. Even with the numb ache still waving through your system, you couldn't seem to realise you needed to sit down and take a breath.

You ignored your kitten, moving to lean against the kitchen counter as you let your head rest on the cold stone table. Your head was pounding, your blood slowly sticking to your skin and hair, the bruising on your neck continuing to feel like a burning essence. You weren't sure if you were now alone or still had the company you wished for, but it was silent.

Just imaging losing your kit felt like losing all you were living for, your heavy heart couldn't even question how fucking helpless you'd be without Yoongi around. Sleeping beside him felt essential, being able to cuddle into him (although it wasn't too often.) was like a breath of fresh air when in a world so vile.

Subconsciously, tears pricked at your eyes, and you couldn't hold back the whimper as all the emotions collapsed out from behind your barricading walls, or mask as others would call it. But as your shoulder shook as cries wracked at your now fragile and bruised body, you didn't even bother acknowledging the shocked Kitten.

"T-Tao? What are yo-" As soon as the bewildered words left his soft lips, you felt your body slipping onto the bitterly cold floor of the kitchen. In an instant Yoongi was on his feet towards you, as he slipped beside you on the floor, he wrapped his abnormally warm body around you for comfort.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi." You whimpered, placing your hands over your face, hiding the clear distraught and horror of reality. A worried hum left the hybrids mouth, before you could feel warm hands moving your own away from your face.

You continued to stare at the floor as his heavy and shadowed brown eyes pierced at your bodies condition. "Look at me Tao." Yoongi's voice purred through the thick and heavy emotional air. It felt as though something was stuck in the mans throat, he couldn't speak his mind.

"Look at me." He repeatedly hissed. Worry was consuming him, The girl he loved unconditionally was shaking in his arms and not seeming to respond to him. Like a heavy cluster of rain falling in winter, salty tears soon fell down Yoongi's cheeks.

"Tao!" He cried, rocking her shoulder back and forth before he finally got the reaction he wanted. The girls eyes snapped towards his soon to be swollen ones, a hiccup left the girl as she tried to speak through her moist lips.

"I've put you in danger Yoongi. What if she takes you away from me? W- what could I do? I can't do anything without you." Between heavy, uneven intakes of air was a very warm comment, If Yoongi was in his Kitten form, his ears definitely would've perked up.

You were terrified, what if Yoongi willingly left you? what if he never wanted to see your worthless self ever again?

"That girl was a pathetic excuse for a human, Do you really think I'd choose someone like her over someone as beautiful as you?" Something warm and enticing grew in Suga's eyes as he looked over you.

You whimpered but it ended in a relieved laugh that wracked your whole body and warmed your whole soul, your heart seemed to go tepid, butterflies exploding in your stomach. You would've never believed that the hybrid you first met could be as sweet as he is now.

"You, and you only." He whispered, running his slender hands through your tangled hair. You took a nervous intake of air when your eyes roamed over how close you two were, sitting beside each other on the kitchen floor. His hands were delicately wrapped around your body.

His arms created something like a barrier, and even when you promised yourself you'd be his barrier, he was somewhat being yours. Maybe it came to being there for each other, not one for the other.

"Like you said to me, when I was sad." Yoongi weakly smiled, holding your cheeks in his hands. "You're my tear, And I love you." Your words were weakly choked out, and Yoongi cheekily smiled at your next attempt to reply.

"I-I love you too Y-Yoongi."

Yoongi's smile then slowly dropped when the silence glistened through their conversation, and when he suddenly looked towards your lips, having the unforeseen want to kiss your soft lips. For ever he had wanted to do, to be able to claim this gorgeous girl as his own, but he couldn't, he knew it was wrong.

He was hybrid, She was his owner.

So he slowly stood, lifted you up and onto the kitchen bench, and left to get the first aid kit.

Even though he had no idea on what he was doing.


"Sit still." Yoongi hissed, as he continued to dabber the alcohol onto your split bottom lip, although he pattered it down so softly, it still seemed to hurt, and her eyes continued to water at the sting, but you held it in. You didn't want to seem so weak in front of Yoongi, Tao hated feeling weak.

"Sorry, I'm just tired." Your croaky voice gave a small reply, and Yoongi only frowned.

"Don't be sorry." He sighed. "After I treat you, we can go to bed." He mumbled, playing with your short strands of hair. Yoongi pursed his lips as he looked over the work he had done. He was proud, he had only watched someone do this on a show.

Yoongi stood between Tao's legs, it was hip to hip, and although at the start of their relationship, You would've shyly blushed and nervously ran away, it didn't seem that way anymore. It only now seemed normal, or as if it was supposed to be like this.

A small smile graced itself onto his face, and you could vividly see his gums.

"Your doing really well Yoongi." You smiled as well, slowly moving your hands to grab his waist and move him closer. He silently shied, but continued to work.

His smile and red cheeks had soon turned pale when he saw the terrible bruising through your neck. His eyes turned cold, as he moved his hands to delicately rub moisture onto your bruised skin.

"I hate seeing you like this." He mumbled. "I could've done something."

"Don't start swimming in regret Yoon, The door was locked. You had no way of getting in."

"But I couldn't stayed with you!" He angrily growled, little fangs retracting form his gums as he scowled and growled.

You tiredly grabbed his hands, and looked into his cold and masked brown, narrowed eyes. "People make mistakes."

"But I made the worst mistake Tao."

"Can we please just go to bed?... I'm exhausted." Your croaky voice whispered.

Yoongi only nodded, and without a second thought lifted you into his arms and carried you to their bed.

When he placed you into the warmth, and wrapped you into the warm covers. He silently slipped in beside you and rolled away to face the wall.

Little did he know that he'd wake up wrapped around you.

— yay! Guys thank you so much for 1k, I'm so happy!

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