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"Are you listening to me?" She tried again. "Yoongi?" You pleading, grasping at his cheeks as he laid partially unconscious on your lap.

You were crying, hard, with heavy flushed cheek, hair sticking to them as salty tears burst out like someone being forced to vomit on all fours, her chest heaved, it hurt, not only mentally, but physically.

"You fucking idiot."

You hated crying.

This was reality, cliché was a pretty girl, prettily crying. Sadly, no one could cry as beautifully unless you were smitten with the person, and thought they were gorgeous nonetheless, they looked all puffed up, snotty and swollen.

Whimpers left yor chattering mouth, your lips continuously shaking from shock, he had passed out in the blink of the eye, just as you were about to stop him from leaving.

You're heart had dropped, literally, as you tried to catch him. It was, as plainly said, scary.

Yoongi's hooded eyes were open, and he was only sadly, with a pinch of confusion, looking up at the girl.

"You don't listen." You sobbed, tears trailed down your neck, it would've been uncomfortably sticky if it wasn't for your head ringing from the stress and uncontrolled tears.

"You always think I'll let you down. And I would never, you should know that."

"I won't!" You continued, hiccupping, and stuttering, you'd throat was hoarse, and you were slowly getting tired.

"You wouldn't look at me, but I was smiling, I wanted it Yoongi, I want you, I love you."

"I'm so sorry."

His words were whimpered, hoarse, nearly as much as the girl above. A sincere smile formed onto his lips.

"I'm a fucking idiot."


"Do I have to wear this?" He grumpily moaned. Tugging at the collar of his suit coat as the couple sat beside each other in the Uber or taxi, whatever you rather.

He also started tugging at the hair covering his ears, it was hard to hide but it wouldn't work just putting a hat on, he'd look weird with a hat and suit. So you clipped his hair over his ears.

"Yes." You sighed. You patted his thigh and annoyedly nodded. "I don't like it either but we'll have to deal with it."

"Namjoon said it was just a party!" He scowled, throwing his hands up and rolling his placid brown eyes.

"He did, but he texted me a few days ago sending the address and it's at a mansion... I don't think we can just wear simple clothes at the place we're going."

"Who cares?!"

"A lot of people." You replied. "This world is full of people that will judge you for doing something as simple as smiling."

"People will judge you no matter what you do," the Kitten sighed, a small smile slipping onto his lips as he looked at you admirably. "So just fuck whatever they think and do what you want."

You both laughed, giggles flowing through
the car as it slowly pulled up in front of the gates to the ginormous mansion.

You both uttered a thank you and payed what was due, before you both walked through the gates, up the front steps and to the opened doors.

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