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Every time he sees you, he has that beautiful gummy smile. When you rub his ears he goes into bliss and a world of his own, but that's only to your hands and touch. He falls harder when you tell him you love him, but he only falls at your affection and raspy voice. He could never fall for anyone else.

As soon as you got home from work, you knew that something was up. The feeling wasn't overpowering enough for you too feel uncomfortable, this feeling was different. The air in the house felt tense and exciting, maybe it was just you. You had no clue.

You were due for your period, that was one thing that made you scared of walking towards your bedroom. Maybe this was why you have been feeling so strange. Maybe it was just hormones.

Not only so, but as you moved towards the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and some lasagne you could heat in the oven,  you peered down towards the bench to see the suppressant pills for your boyfriends heat.

You fumed.

Well, you didn't fume. Your hormones were building up in your stomach and you groaned because you knew you wouldn't be able to withstand his needs. He hadn't taken them today, nor did he yesterday. The packet was untouched.

When Yoongi is on the suppressants, it's hard to withstand him. Without his suppressants, he could be so much, much, much worse. He was needy, needy, needy. Some days, even when he had his suppressants, you couldn't go to work without him locking you inside and not allowing you out of the apartment.

Once you had to sleep on the couch, and lock him in your shared room.

He still managed to get out.

"Seriously Yoongi? Why didn't you take your suppressants, you're due for your heat!" Your raspy and annoyed yell was only met with silence, and echoed through the home. You were too frustrated and worried for his well being that you didn't hear the slapping of bare feet on tiled floor.

"Seriously," you whispered to yourself, moving to place the lasagne into the oven. You tiredly stripped your work jacket off and rested it on the kitchen bench, before rolling your shoulders and cracking your neck. "He never listens to me."

"I only like listening to you when you moan my name." The voice purred from only centimetres away. You jumped but it could've only been Yoongi. He often was very silent and stalker like. It spooked many but you were too used to it.

You turned to meet the males dark and narrowed gaze. You only glared back as he slyly leaned his body against the table, his hands moving to rake through his black hair, only merely missing his furry kitten ears. His signature smirk slipping onto his lips, you felt as though you knew what he was thinking of.

"That's inappropriate." You scowled, trying to not look towards the cats long, black, tail, which slowly and charmingly moved around. You're eyes slowly roamed up towards his shirtless chest and torso. You could see droplets on sweat on his collar bone, his forehead slightly damp, you suspiciously stared.

"You know why I didn't take my suppressants," Suga purred, his tongue moving to swipe at his moistening lips, they seemed to be quivering. You could hardly see the fangs in between white teeth, but they were still there. "Because I want you, baby. So bad."

"Well you won't like to hear this Kitten, but you ain't having me." A sly smile fell on your lips, and you teasingly watched as Yoongi's eyes rattled in clear frustration, as his tail sagged slightly. "Want me as much as you like, but right now I need a massage."

You gave him a wink before you dragged yourself onto the couch, lying chest first and hiding your head into the pillow. Your ovaries were really hurting by now, your thighs clenching now and again, but you pushed the thoughts of your boyfriend away.

You felt at peace for only a second, you wished it could be for another hour, but you realised that would never occur with a hybrid-Cat-boyfriend. As soon as the male popped into your head, someone had mindlessly sat on your lower back, straddling you.

You were about to groan, you could smell the lust and neediness in the air, and you weren't even 7 sensed. Although, before a bundle of groans left your lips, a pair of cold large hands had moved to massage your back.

Instead of an annoyed groan, a very loud moan left your lips, but you forced yourself to seal your mouth at the relaxing sensation, because you knew it would just provoke him into doing something.

As he massaged, you thought everything was going calmly. That was untill the tables turned, and his hands were moving to tuck away your shirt from your jeans and moving over your skin and towards the back of your lacy, black bra.

"Yoon-" You tried to warn him, that  if he did get out of control, she'd throw some fists. Although he seemed slightly taken aback by your raspy and strong voice, he kept creeping his hands till the bra was unbuckled.

"I'm just helping you, my darling." He sang in a sickly sweet voice, his body soon moved to lie against yours, as his hands moved to very inappropriate places. You were flustered, enjoying it. But would you really let all that power you had over him down the drain?

Fuck, no.

I'm the dom in this relationship. You had thought to yourself, before words had thoughtfully left your lips, chilling your boyfriend's spine and making him freeze from doing the wonders he was doing.

"No. I'm no sub." As soon as you demanded, you had miraculously been able to push your boyfriend off of you, and watch him fall on the floor to your apartments living room. You stood and tried to regain yourself, even with your bra undone.  You were lucky there wasn't a coffee table on your way down. Because Yoongi had grabbed you from his position on the floor and you fell on him with a groan and grunt.

"Okay," Yoongi frustratingly sighed. "I have to admit, I like this position a little more." A small giggle left the males lips when you only rolled your eyes and tried to get off of your half naked boyfriend.

It was unsuccessful, he was far too strong.

And then, when he started to kiss down your neck, leaving peppered red marks on your tan skin, you couldn't take it any longer. His thing, member, element, pressed against your thigh was burdensome enough to deal with, the blood rushing to your cheeks and through your body like an electric rush.

A sudden smell dragged through the air, and you seemed to feel more tired and turned on as he continued to kiss you down the neck, as his hands moved over your body. The smell seemed to pull you forwards till your lips were finally smashed together in a war of dominance.

The smell was your favourite, Vanilla and black bean. Could this be Yoongi? At the moment you didn't dwell on it, because you were winning this tongue war, whether your mate liked it or not.

He slowly parted his lips with yours, and as you did, you viewed his lips with such content. His lips were swollen, red and very wet. You were proud to say you're the one that put that lusted and totally submissive look in his eyes.

A sly smile fell on your lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," Yoongi whispered in a raspy voice. "Now keep kissing me will you?"

You only hummed moved to palm the male before giving him a very deep and contented kiss. Which followed with the male moaning and hissing with much satisfaction you could feel it. His fangs moving to bite at your bottom lip.

- heyo yes i'm so awkward.... IF anyone wants to finish the smut ya'll are totally welcome, but i've never wrote smut and i don't intend to. Only because I feel like it's a breach of comfort not only for myself but BTS lol.

I also hope you guys enjoyed that...Yes, they had intercourse. To explain they've done it together before, but Yoongi wants Kits so they would've done a few rounds LMAOOO

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