Chapter 59: Please understand

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          The next morning, Jungkook called in his wardrobe stylist and was explaining what ring he wanted to get Jimin. He told the man how should the ring look, the size and when it should be done alltogether.

         "Okay, Listen here... I want a ring... An engagement ring.. This ring needs to be golden with many diamonds out in front." Jungkook told the youthful wardrobe stylist. This was atleast one of his stylist since there was actually a big group of twenty-five who comes up with the Kings outfits and handcrafts his jewlery almost every time. So making an engagement ring was a piece of cake! However... Making the perfect one was going to be stressful.

            "Engagement ring? Will you finally marry, Your Majesty?" The man asked as as Jungkook smiled.

             "You'll have to wait until it becomes official... Just please have it done." Jungkook advised as the stylist smiled with a nod, walking away until he heard the King tell him to wait.

           "Wait! Also make sure the ring isn't designed feminine and dainty... It needs to be masculine and thick like most men rings." Jungkook claimed giving the stylist a hint at what gender the lucky person would be.

           Jungkook was feeling better now. He knew he was going to see Jimin in a week and started to count down the days until he can see Jimin. It was such an exciting moment for him! He knew that now he didn't have to worry about losing Jimin forever... Jungkook was eventually going to see Jimin very soon and that made him smile.

           "I know Jimin will want to marry me... How could he refuse? He loves me and I love him.. I know this is too soon but, I really don't want Adviser Yang here.... Ruining our relationship if we take things slow. I'm not going to have that..." Jungkook said to himself as he changed into his daily attire the wardrobe stylists gave him so he can start his day.

            Namjoon woke up in bed, he was allowed to wake up at this time so he can start getting ready for the day.... But alongside him was Seokjin. Seokjin was laying on Namjoon's chest wearing a dark grey sweater that was very oversized but he enjoyed how comfy it made him feel. However, Namjoon was shirtless hugging Seokjin close. The purity between the two was still there... They just cuddled the night before, taken by the fact that they never had time like this ever.

               When Namjoon woke up, he turned his head to see Jin laying on his chest sleepily until he woke up at the same time too.

              "Why are you staring at me?" Jin asked sleepily as Namjoon laughed and held Jin's face closer.

               "You are the first thing I wanted to see when I wake up~" Namjoon flirted as he touched noses with his sleepy lover. "Your shoulders are huge..." Namjoon teased as Seokjin suddenly pulled away to laugh.

            "Really?! I thought my shoulders were smaller! Except... That's what I thought I saw through my glasses." Jin answered sarcastically as Namjoon laughed and hugged his lover.

           "Either way, I think you are handsome. You look so better without those glasses" Namjoon added and kissed Seokjin's plump lips happily. "Ugh.. I'll have to go guard.." Namjoon added as he stood up and let out a sigh.

             "I see..." Jin whispered as he looked around. "Namjoon... You're always busy guarding.. Why don't you ask for another part?" Seokjin wondered. "Maybe.... You can clean and you'll be inside and visit me!"

             "Another part...." Namjoon thought. This seemed easier now and Namjoon was a bit more interested. However, that would downgrade him from a high profession to a low one. Yet, Namjoon was still taking this into consideration.

              Later, Yoongi arrived to Hoseok and Sumi. He let out a sigh as he threw himself on his bed. He wasn't able to come home since he took a very long trip! It took up his whole day and he so happened to return to town by dawn. Being the ONLY Royal messenger that was sent to travel far...

            "Ah, Goodmorning.." Yoongi added as he layed in bed next to his lover. He was very tired and rested his head back onto the pillow sleepily.

            "Yoongi? Where have you been?" Hoseok asked as he sat up and looked down at Yoongi trying to get rest.

             "Delivering.... Important mail..." Yoongi whispered. "That Adviser was sending mail to this man in a shady town.... Let alone the man was very scary and his house was very FAR!" Yoongi claimed and let out a sigh of exhaustion.

          "No, Yoongi... This isn't good for you.." Hoseok worried as he cupped his lover's face. "Did you atleast eat something?"

           "Yes... Yes I did... I'm so tired I don't have energy to actually kiss Sumi goodnight or even stargaze with her..." Yoongi claimed as he opened his eyes to look at Hoseok. "I-it would be better if you can stay here.. With the both of us."

             "And quit my profession?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi nodded. "Yoongi... No... Why don't you quit yours? Look at your hands! They are weak and you are very sleepy! Please Yoongi... You need to quit this job and together we can look for a house.. An amazing house for only us three!"

           "Hoseok..." Yoongi whispered as he felt his lover lay his head on his chest. "I can't even think right now and barely keep my eyes open... Please.. Just don't make me think about decisions right now... It hurts me so much." Yoongi whispered as Hoseok sighed and nodded.

             "I have to go home..." Hoseok added as he stood up. "Let's both talk about this soon."

             "Okay... Bye, Love you..." Yoongi managed to say as Hoseok smiled and kissed Yoongi on his lips before he left.

            "Love you too~" Hoseok replied as he walked out of Yoongi's place and out of the castle halls. By there, he suddenly came across the Adviser. Standing there and glaring at the circus performer.

             "U-Um.. Hi!" Hoseok waved as Adviser Yang walked up to Hoseok... Carrying a knife.

             "Why was a circus freak like you in the castle?" The old man asked.

               "I was babysitting Sumi! You know this already... You gave me an all-purpose royal pass to move in and out of here as I please!" Hoseok stated as Adviser Yang let out a chuckle.

             "You know that puppet, do you?" Asviser Yang changed the conversation with that question as Hoseok nodded.

            "Yes, he's my friend! Why would y-" Suddenly Adviser Yang held up a knife to Hoseok's throught making the dancer stay still. The cold iron was close to his neck to the point where he can feel the knife's cold, sharp, teeth.

             "I swear I don't like you dirty Circus performers. You tell that thing to never set foot here again... Even if the King ends up inviting him here again, You tell him this... Never come here and If that puppet shows up...." Adviser Yang leaned closer to Hoseok's ear. "I'll have it killed..."

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