Chapter 18

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-5 Months Later- 

Sara's POV:

We all waited in silence. Sat in the hospital waiting room, Brad was sat twiddling his thumbs, Connor was sat on his phone, James was checking out the nurse behind the desk and I was chewing my hair nervously;

'Stop chewing your hair' Brad giggled as he slapped my leg lightly,

'Sorry', I said slightly startled dropping my hair from my mouth, Brad just watched me as we waited anxiously.

Tristan's POV: 

'Tristan hold my hand', Charlotte demanded as the nurse walked into the room, I took her hand and she squose it slightly,

'you'll be fine Charlotte just calm down', I smiled at her and looked at her in the eyes,

'Well let me stick a football up your arse and have you push it out, how does that sound', she said angrily looking at me, and then smiling when I looked away about to wet myself at her previous comment. She sat up straight and looked down at herself like she was uncomfortable, 'here let me rearrange this place', I smiled at her moving the pillows to allow the most comfort for her. 

Soon a doctor walked in pulling down his white latex gloves, 'Tris he scares me', Charlotte whispered to me, 'don't worry Charlotte I'm sure he knows what he's doing', I smiled at her as she gripped my hand a little tighter, 'and Charlotte your gunna cut off the circulation in my hand if you grip my hand anymore', I smiled and she gave me a nasty look. 'Ouch, ow, fucking hell this baby is already trying to kill me', Charlotte said as she pointed to her stomach and pulled painful faces, 'no Mrs Evans you're ready to get baby out now', the doctor smiled at me, 'no doctor we're not. Never mind, just get this baby outta me', she said huffing unhappily and sitting back in the bed.

Brad's POV: 

We saw a doctor walk into Charlotte's room and about 5 minutes later painful screams coming from her room, Me, James and Connor looked at each other and cringed as we heard another scream and then James pointed to Sara who was staring at the wall and biting her lip like she was worried about something;

'What's wrong', I asked her smiling,

'n-nothing I'm fine', she hesitated and smiled slightly,

'don't worry as painful as it sounds I'm sure she's not in that much pain', I smiled at her,

'well, why don't you try pushing a football out of your arse and we'll see what you think then', she snapped angrily,

'okay calm down', I said turning around and looking back at James and shrugging as if to say, 'dunno what's up with her' which I then mouthed to him, he just smiled and mouthed back, 'women', I smiled at him as did Connor.

Tristan's POV: 

She squeezed my hand tighter as she screamed, not only was I going to have my hand amputated, I was going to need a hearing aid from all the loud screaming, she almost broke my hand, 'oh my god you've no idea how much this hurts', I said looking at my now white hand, which then gained me a dirty look from Charlotte, 'I-I take that back', I stuttered, as Charlotte returned to screaming, 'push, push woman push', I yelled also pushing, 'I'm surprised I've not shit myself', I smiled at her and she just gave me a dirty look again, 'come on your doing great', I turned serious, 'come on or I'll squeeze your head', I smiled at Charlotte, 'oh Fuck you Tristan', she said through the screaming. Then we heard a cry of a baby, 'congratulations you've had a little girl', the doctor smiled at us, Charlotte smiled weakly and I smiled at her trying to make her feel better, 'see you forget the pain once its done', I said kissing the side of her head, 'no that pain will never be forgotten', she said staring my evily in the eyes, 'okay then never mind', I said turning to look at the doctor.

Brad's POV: 

Tristan walked out wiping his forehead and smiling, 'it's a girl', he slapped his sides and smiled at us, 'congratulations', we all stood up in unison and smiled at him, 'thanks boys and Sara for being here', he smiled at us flopping down into one of the blue seats in the hospital waiting room, 'no problem', I smiled at him, 'so when can we see them', Sara asked smiling, 'now if you want', Tristan smiled, we all walked to the door, 'you not coming Tris', Connor asked, 'no I'm just gunna wait here', he smiled and wiped his face in exhaustion, 'okay then', Connor replied before he opened the door and walked in looking at Charlotte holding the baby in her arms, 'hey how are you', Sara asked walking over to her bedside, 'sore, I'm glad its all over but it was almost worth it', she giggled as did I in response, 'I'm guessing it hurt then', Sara said sympathetically, 'fuck yes, its probably the most painful thing in the shitting world', she said making Sara's face drop, 'okay then', Sara said taking a step back from Charlotte's bed with a look of worry on her face, 'so what you gunna call her', Connor asked peeping his head around James' shoulder, 'we don't actually know we haven't really talked about it', Charlotte said huffing and looking down at the baby, 'wow, you've got some work to do then', I smiled at her, 'no it shouldn't be that hard', Charlotte said looking at me shaking her head in disagreement, 'why what you gunna call her baby girl', I laughed, 'no Brad, I dunno, Tristina perhaps', Charlotte smiled, 'Charlotte I know this is your baby but take my advice do not call your baby Tristina unless you want your child to be bullied', James butted in smiling disapprovingly, 'don't worry James, I'm not going to call her, Tristina', she paused before saying tristina, we all giggled and stared at the baby for a moment, my eyes flicked from the baby to Sara's worried looking face, I just stood there though, letting everyone indulge in the baby's cuteness.  

Note- What do you think is up with Sara??? Also I just wanted to let everyone know, if you like the Vamps fanfictions then please read Smile by GalaxyDefender5ever it is an AMAZING piece of work, I mean its like amazeballs. don't forget 2 vote and comment. Thanx Sara xx 


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