Chapter 5

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Sara's POV: 

Charlotte decided she was going out and that she was going to leave me in the house alone, so I was sat on the sofa on my laptop looking through my news feed, I was so bored I needed something to do, I was looking through the cupboards to find something to eat, I climbed on the counter and couldn't find anything, so I rang Charlotte, as I waited for the phone to ring a continued to look through the cupboards, 'I am so hungry' I said as I waited for the phone to ring, 'hey Charlotte', I answered smiling trying to sound as cheerful as possible, 'what is it', she sounded tired as she yawned down the phone, 'there's no food in the house can you bring some home', I said trying to sound like a child in serious need of food, but I am really, more like an adult in need of food, 'fine what do you want', she said huffing, 'erm chocolate any chocolate other than bounty or anything with coconut', I said cringing I hate coconut, 'fine', she said like she just wanted to sleep, 'bye', I said cheerfully and she just put the phone down, 'how rude', I said looking at my phone and smiling, I looked round the kitchen again, I'm so hungry.

Brad's POV: 

After Tristan left I sat on the couch eating crisps and watching the TV, my parents and sister would be back soon, they've been on a mini holiday I hope they've had a nice time better than I've had anyways. Time was ticking away at 12 I had some dinner, my parents said they'd be home about 12, so I decided to clean up a bit before they got home. it was 1 in the afternoon now, they should have been home an hour ago, where did they go. It's now two in the afternoon and still no sign of them arriving, I spent the last ten minutes looking out the window waiting, I was bored now so I tried ringing them, at first there was no answer, so I rung my sister, there was no answer, that's odd Natalie always answers her phone, she doesn't go anywhere without it, and her whole life is on her phone, where are they I started to get worried now, I was pacing up and down just hoping that they would return home soon, I sat down onthe couch and returned to watchng TV I flicked through the channels, then I stopped when I heard the news, there had been a car accident, not far from here just on the motorway, I looked at the car closer, it looked just like my parents car, my heart started pounding, then it said, 'two dead one critically ill in hospital', my breathing got heavy, I walked outside for some fresh air, I was pacing about not sitting down, I decided to ring someone to take me to the neerest hospital of where the accident is, I wasn't to be sure it was them but I had to find out, 'I rung Connor, then James, then Tristan and then Charlotte they where all busy, always are when I need them, I had one more option, she was the closest to my house it wouldn't take her five minutes to get here, so I did it I rang Sara, I only have her number for emergencies, but this was an emergency, 'hey Sara, sorry to bother you but can you do me a favour and take me to the hospital', I said shakily, 'why do you need to go to the hospital', she asked like she couldn't be bothered, 'you don't need to know that just get here and take me to the hospital', I said nearly yelling down the phone, 'okay calm down I'll be there in a minute', she said putting the phone down on me, I put my phone in my pocket and waited outside for Sara to turn up, a few minutes later she turned up, I ran up to the car and got in, she began to drive me to the hospital, 'why didn't you drive yourself', she said looking at the road, 'I have my reasons', I said to her trying not to tell her what was actually going on, 'would you like to tell me those reasons', she said stoping at the red light and looking at me, 'no I would not', I said looking out of the window, she pulled into the hospital and parked the car, I jumped out and ran to the entrance, I then walked in, looking round the people, Sara then appeared behind me, I looked through the crowds as I saw someone being pushed along on a bed as they do, I looked down the hallway I could just see the girls face, it was my sister, she lay lifeless on the white bed, tears formed in my eyes and I just let them fall, I was in a state of shock extreme shock.

Sara's POV: 

I ran into the hospital after him, what on earth was going on, I watched his every movement, he pushed through the crowd and stared down the corridor as a girl was pushed down it, I took a guess who it was I knew who it was, he just cried he cried so much that it made me want to cry, I sat him down and sat by him, he wiped his eyes from tears and looked up, he walked to the desk and was asking the woman for more information as to where his parents where, he gave them his name, he had calmed down slightly he was still crying but not as bad.

We where walked to where his parents lay, they where still, no life left in their bodies, Brad just broke down again, he knelt to the floor crying, we had no more than five minutes in here, 'everything is going to be okay, you'll see' I said trying my best to make everything better, 'and how would you know, you don't understand what it's like', he said looking at me like I had no right to live and should be where his parents are, I started crying, he doesn't know what's gone on in my life since high school, I was in the same position as him not two years ago, when we had just left high school...


I was just 16, and it was half six at night my parents had taken to bed early me and my brother sat up till late and watched TV, when we heard a knock at the door, my brother answered it, I heard a man walk in and my brother was silenced, I heard him walking upstairs, I ran to the front door to see my brother lying at the bottom of the stairs unconscious, he wouldn't move when I tried to wake him, then I heard a trickling sound, like water being poured, then I smelt something, like burning, the man ran down the stairs and out the front door ignoring me, I began to walk upstairs and I could see the fire burning bright, the fire started to come my way, I ran down the stairs as I heard my parents painful screams, I tried to wake my brother, I tried to pick him up but he was to heavy he was twice the height of me, the fire was coming toward me quickly, I ran outside and closed the door only to hear the screams of my family I rang the fire station and they and the police turned up soon, as they walked in they ran upstairs, putting the main fire out, then began downstairs, I stood in the cold even though the heat from the fire was on my face, when he fire men had finished, they pronounced my parents and my brother dead and I blame it all on myself, I always have said I could have saved them, I blame myself for their suffering.

-End of Flashback-

I stood there crying thinking about the day I was in the same position as Brad, I lost my whole family that day. My tears fell to the floor, I tried to wipe my eyes but every time I did so more tears fell, Brad looked at me as I stood there a complete mess, he stood up and hugged me,'I'm sorry, I didn't know', he said as we both stood there crying, we where then made to leave, Brad said his last goodbyes and then we left he was coming back later to check on his sister.

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