Chapter 25

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Brad's POV:

They were the last words I wanted to hear, 'I'm sorry we lost her', the young girl at the other end of the phone spoke, I hung up the phone dropped it on the table and broke into a fierce flood of tears, without thinking I got up from the chair and headed for the front door, this was my fault I should pay the price. I stormed out of the house and into the fine rain, I didn't lock the house I just got in my car and drove off, leaving the seatbelt off, I couldn't see properly through my tears.

I finally reached my destination choice, I looked out of the window and opened the car door, my breathing was heavy and as I made my way up to the edge of the bridge I stopped for a moment looking back at the car and then continuing on to the bridge side, the traffic undrneath sped past and I looked down and thought to myself for a moment, 'why is it always me? What did I do to deserve this', were the questions that I thought of, I then finally climbed onto the metal bridge rail and looked down, I steadied my balance as I got to my feet, the rail was slippery from the rain and I was shaking, I then closed my eyes and breathed out heavily, and before I could step out I heard a voice.

'Brad stop', the voice quickly said before I heard someone getting out of a car and walk toward me, 'stay there Tristan', I said through the tears, 'brad I don't understand why your doing this', Tristan's voice was now calm, 'no you wouldn't the love of your life isn't dead', I gritted my teeth together angrily, 'what do you mean..... Neither is yours', Tristan said as I heard him step closer to me, 'you haven't heard I just got the phone call they told me Sara is dead', I sobbed looking into the distance steadying my balance, 'wha- no brad she isn't dead I've just been to the hospital, she's awake her blue eyes were staring up at me', I heard Tristan's happy voice from behind me as he took another step closer, 'b-but I just had a phone call', I stuttered turning my head to look at him so not to lose my balance, 'I don't know who it was but they're lying I've just come back from the hospital', Tristan smiled holding his hand out to me, 'come on brad I'll show you', he smiled at me.

At first I hesitated but then I turned but as I did so the wet rail caused me to slip and as I fell I just managed to grab the metal it was still slippery and I thought I was going to fall but in that split second I felt a warm touch against my wet skin, 'you always were clumsy' , Tristan said after pulling me up using all the strength he could muster, 'thanks', I smiled at him before Tristan hugged me and pulled me to the car, 'come on', Tristan said pulling me to my car and opening the door as I got in.

When we arrived at the hospital I quickly rushed in and ran to the desk, 'I'm looking for a girl named Sara on ward 3 I think it is', I thought for a moment and waited for the girl at the desk to reply, 'yeah she's just woken up actually', then brunette smiled at me, 'thank you so much', I smiled and ran through the hospital with Tristan walking quickly behind me, when we reached her room I hesitated for a moment, I haven't spoken to her in a month I was so excited to be with her again, I opened the door slowly and looked at the bed in the room there she was sat up talking to a nurse smiling, as the nurse walked out she smiled at me, 'she's a fighter', she whispered in my ear before leaving, Tristan smiled from behind me and I couldn't contain my happiness, I ran over to her and hugged her tight, 'Sara you have no idea how happy I am', I said squeezing her tightly, 'erm.... Yeah and you are', she looked at me confused, 'w-what', I stuttered out letting go of her, 'Sara it's me brad', I smiled at her, 'I know who you are I was just messin with ya', she giggled happily, you'd of thought she had been awake for longer the line that was on her head that disappeared off into her hair was stitched up and stapled together, 'Sara you really shit me up then', I said placing my hand on my heart and breathing out heavily, 'yeah well karma is getting you back now', she smiled as though nothing was wrong, 'I'm sorry', I looked down at her innocently, 'it's fine really', she grinned, 'I love you so much', I whispered in her ear as I hugged her again this time she hugged me back and I pecked her lips before staring into her blue eyes, 'yeah I love you to dispite your flaws', she smiled, 'what flaws I'm perfect', I giggled before pecking her lips again, 'it's good to have you back'.

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