Chapter 1

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Sara's POV:

Charlotte wanted me to hurry up and get out of the door, 'how's about no', I kept saying to her, she was getting really pissed off now, 'ma babe is a waiting for me', she said in a funny accent, I just kept laughing, 'I don't wanna see your boy band friends', I laughed, 'um yes you do, now come on', she said pulling me out the door, 'I haven't got my shoes', I said smiling and trying to hold back my laugh, 'here', she said throwing my red converse out of the door, 'but these are for best', I said smiling and trying to make it take longer, 'I don't give two shits now come on', she said pointing in the direction of the car, I giggled all the way to the car, 'remind me not to give you haribo tangfastics before doing something', she said whilst getting into the car, 'I don't know what your trying to imply but stop it', I said smiling stupidly.

We started to drive off, I was feeling funny, I put the window down and put my head out like a dog, 'Sara, what the fuck are you doing', Charlotte said trying to keep her eyes on the road, 'I CAME IN LIKE A WREAKING BALL', I started to yell and sing at the same time, being stared at by the people walking, 'Sara stop being a dick and sit in your seat normally', Charlotte said concentrating on the road ahead and trying to calm me down, I sat in my seat and put the window back up, 'but I was singing', i laughed, 'yes but your not very good and your embarrassing me', she looked at me quickly then her eyes went back onto the road, 'I'm offended', I looked out of the window, 'my singing is beautiful', I joked I knew I was no good but I tried to see what she'd say, 'sorry', she said probably with the least bit of sorriness, 'do you want to have sex with Tristan', I looked at her giving her puppy dog eyes and trying to hold back my laugh, 'Sara shut up', she smiled and tried to hold back her laugh, 'oh who am I kidding you always wanna be doing the do with Tristan', I smiled, she couldn't hold her laugh any longer and she just burst out laughing, 'so who would you do the do with out of the guys in the vamps', she said after calming herself down, 'I don't know who they are', I said shrugging my shoulders, 'well there's Tristan but he's mine, James, Connor and Brad', she said with a choose now tone, 'Charlotte I don't know what they look like', I smiled at  her, 'Oh my days, you'll see when we get there', she said mentally face palming, I could tell she was, it's all in the eyes, 'where are we actually going', I said looking out the window, 'well first we're going to the cinema and then we are all going to Pizza hut, and then we are going back to Brad's for a bit', she explained in stages like I was stupid, 'tell me why we have to go back to Brad's', i looked at her with the, 'I cannot be bothered' face, 'it's called being sociable', she smiled happily, I just grunted and looked out the window for the rest of the way.

Charlotte's POV:

When we got to the Cinema I saw the four boys stood waiting for us, me and Sara got out of the car, Tristan waved to us and I waved back, 'I really want to go home', Sara complained, 'shut the fuck up and just be nice for once', I whispered to her, 'but I'd rather be fucked by a llama than be here', 'Sara you can fuck the llama when we get home but right now your being nice', I said whilst smiling at Tristan, 'but-', I cut Sara off by running at Tristan and saying hello to the guys, when Sara arrived i introduced her to them, 'Sara this is Tristan, Brad, Connor and James', I said pointing to each one of them, 'hey', she smiled at them, well she smiled at them all minus Brad, I was about to find out why.

Sara's POV:

'Brad', I cannot believe this, could this day get much worse, 'Sara is that you, I hardly recognized you, you've changed, defiantly for the better', he looked me up and down and smiled at me, 'oh its about time you recognized me for the better and not from the stupid fucking rumors', it just came out I didn't even mean to say it, 'your still holding a grudge on that', he smiled, 'no I just thought I'd bring it up', I said sarcastically, 'do you know each other', James smiled and pointed at us, 'yeah we went to high school together', brad smiled, 'we knew each other quite well actually', he smiled at them, I laughed at the comment I just heard, 'Brad the only thing you knew about me was that I was in your year and my name was Sara the rest you made up and made everyone else believe it to', I was outraged, 'hey it wasn't that bad', he shrugged at me smiling, 'Brad you basically told everyone i was a whore and that I did things that I didn't do', I looked away from him, 'no I didn't', he looked at me outraged, 'yes you fucking well did and you know it, let me think er yeah, Sara had sex with Elliot Smith, I remember very well, and you knew how much I despised of Elliot and his awful stench of cow shit, he was rank', I tried to get the picture in his head, 'oh yeah I remember that', he looked away smiling, 'he's a bit like you stinks of bull shit', that was probably the best come back i had ever thought of. 'come on guys lets go watch this movie', Tristan said smiling and trying to break the awkward, we all walked in and got our tickets.

Brad's Pov:

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, little Sara she looked gorgeous now, she hadn't grown much but she was still hot, she did go mental at me, but I was just a kid then I have changed, but she only see's me back in high school, I mean those where just pranks they wern't intended to go as far as they did, but we sat down in the cinema next to one another, she really did hate me, i wish I hadn't been such a dick, I mean this girl was gorgeous now.

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