TEN: Changing of the Guard

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TEN: Changing of the Guard

Mala called Astrid to her when it was obvious the Great Protector was failing and the dragon would soon be departing and gave an apologetic look.

"I have sent a Terrible Terror messenger to Hiccup Haddock to invite him and the Riders to the Changing of the Guard Ceremony," she explained. "As our friends and allies-and especially Hiccup, as a friend to dragons-they deserve to witness the departure of the dragon they-and you-helped save from the Hunters."

"Meaning they'll be coming here," Astrid sighed, her shoulders slumping. She was still exhausted and the long journey still weighed her bones with weariness: the prospect of leaving was dire but she couldn't be here when Hiccup arrived. "I'll have to go..." Mala frowned.

"Is there no way you could speak to him once more?" she asked. "I can see how distressed the separation is making you..." Astrid shook her head.

"He's betrothed to another and seeing him will just compound the pain," she revealed. "And-and he may persuade me to come back with him and I...I know how bad that will be, seeing him betrothed to another woman, seeing him every day and knowing I've lost him." Mala shook her head.

"I am sorry," she apologised. "I should not have invited him..."

"No, you were right: he deserves to know, to see this," she said and gave a small, brave smile. "I'm sure Stormfly won't mind taking me somewhere else."

"Please...you don't have to go...though I can appreciate your feelings," the Queen said. "Is there no other way of looking at your situation? Is it not a positive that your friend is saving your family and protecting your Tribe?" Astrid stared at her.

"There is no positive in this," she said. "And though I can see it is positive from others' point of view, there is no possible pleasure for me in this outcome. I'm going." She paused. "I would be grateful if you did not tell Hiccup I was here. He will want to search for me and I do not want to be found." Mala bowed her head.

"I will respect your wishes, Astrid Hofferson," she said calmly. "My people will supply you with food for yourself and your dragon. But I am sad that you are not able to attend the Changing of the Guard Ceremony. You to deserve to be there." Astrid gave a small smile.

"I'll pay my respects to the Great Protector, if you don't mind, so I can leave before the Riders get here," she said softly. "I'm sorry...but there is nothing that can be done."


Hiccup was in his room at the back of the forge, a lamp lighting the small workspace as he stared at a selection of components. He sketched another solution and then shook his head, crushing the paper and tossing it onto the expanding pile at the back of his room.

"Think, Hiccup, think!" he muttered. "Gah! There must be a solution to this. After all..."

"You know, it can't be healthy to hide away in here all the time, hunched over this metal?" Cami said from the doorway, sliding in without invitation. Eyes widening, he pushed the components away and glared at her, his brows dipping.

"You know, what part of my private workshop makes you think I want you here?' he snarked. "This is where I work on mechanisms, weapons and my saddle and tail..." She leaned lazily against the door frame and gave a smirk.

"Well, I am going to be your wife so I ought to take an interest in your interests," she told him pointedly and he glared at her.

"What forging, investigating dragons, exploring, fighting hunters, rescuing dragons, riding dragons, leading the Riders?" he asked her.

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