FIFTY: The Last Hurdle

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FIFTY: The Last Hurdle

The battle for Berserk was furious and finely balanced when the Fliers appeared from the armada, ferociously joining in. It seemed there was a multicoloured wall of Singetails as they furiously attacked the Riders.

"We're really outnumbered," Snotlout yelled obviously but Astrid simply glared at him before turning back to the phalanx of Fliers. She reckoned it was probably every Flier there was left, for Johann and Krogan would have speared no reserves. This was the crucial moment.

"We stand!" she ground out. "We fight. Berserk has to be saved. The Berserkers have to be protected. And Hiccup needs his chance." She paused. Because I believe in Hiccup. I know he will never give up. And I know he will do what is right...whatever the cost. But as she finished the thought, she saw Cami rise up from the flagship on Daggerspine with the shape of Hjordis clinging behind her. But the Bog Heir's expression was grim and Astrid felt the heart freeze in her chest as they flapped alongside.

"Johann has her," she said grimly. "He took her when he left the ship and left Hjordis locked in a cage."

"Was she alright?" Astrid asked urgently, her eyes searching the older woman's face.

"The guards gave me yak milk and rags to care for her at least, " the older woman explained. "I think they weren't sure what to do with us so when I asked for rags and water and milk, they just gave me whatever I asked for." Astrid's eyes slid anxiously over the battered shape.

"Are you alright?" she asked carefully. Hjordis carefully ran her fingers through her dishevelled hair and defiantly retied the knot. She managed a wan smile.

"I'll be fine," she reassured the Hooligan. "It's just a few bruises, Astrid. And you could tell that Val is your daughter-she was very brave and good as gold. She scarcely made a sound..." Flicking her gaze up to look into Cami's eyes, Astrid nodded.

"And I know her father will do everything in his power to rescue her," she said firmly. "Please take her back to the village.I have to lead the battle!"

"You have to save your daughter!" Heather called as the Bog Burglar spiralled down towards Berserk. Astrid gestured towards the Fliers.

"We have to give Hiccup and the village more time," she argued as a huge roar reverberated through the air. Both Riders looked up and Astrid glanced over her shoulder back as Berserk. "The King of Dragons," she gasped.

"It must be a distress call," Heather realised as she peeled off the intercept another flier.

"Yes-calling all dragons in the vicinity," Fishlegs guessed as he buzzed by on Meatlug. But a screech alerted Astrid and she snapped her head around to see a Flier rise behind her-and fire a huge fireball straight at her. Instinctively, she parried the blast with her axe-and the head shattered at the impact. She almost lost her grip from the concussion and found herself hanging onto Stormfly's saddle with one hand, a cheek bleeding from the cuts as the spikules of metal sliced her skin. Screeching, the Nadder flipped her back into the saddle-but she stared in shock at her axe, her most faithful friend, the weapon that Hiccup had built for her and diligently maintained when needed. It was completely gone...but she barely had time to register this when the Flier circled round and came straight at her, readying for a lethal attack. She leaned forward, low over Stormfly's neck preparing to try evasive manoeuvres-when suddenly, the Flier was slapped from the Singetail's back and falling towards the distant sea, encased in a dense amber substance...

"What the...?" she gasped as a dissonant cry reached her ears and she saw a young Deathsong flap happily alongside. "Garff?" The dragon gave a happy croon as a blizzard of dragons suddenly flew overhead to attack the armada and the remaining fliers. Astrid saw all the familiar types of dragons-Gronckles, Nightmares, Nadders, Terrors-but there were others as well-including Changewings, the Eruptodon, the Armourwing, Thunderdrums, the Skrill-even the Screaming Death. And they attacked without mercy as a scaled cloud raining death on the attackers.

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