FIFTEEN: Someone to rely on

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FIFTEEN: Someone to rely on

The weather had turned colder and the villagers of Sniffling started to hunker down for the oncoming bad weather. Astrid was now welcomed as a villager and was officially living with Hjordis, occupying the small loft platform as she had at her home back in Berk. She was feeling well now, though her pregnancy was definitely showing and she had been forced to make a new tunic with a fur-lined vest with side lacings to wear over her new red tunic to keep her warm. The Chief had been interested and sympathetic to her tale, inviting the young woman to talk to him.

Chief Kjetil was a solid man, his grey beard framing a rough-hewn weathered face with kindly blue eyes. He had explained that Hjordis, a trusted widow in the village, had told him of Astrid's situation and the young woman was welcome to stay-her and her unborn child. Sitting by the fire in the modest village hall, Astrid had explained that she had lost her betrothed, silently praying forgiveness from Freya for the untruth. Her child fluttered under her hand and her face unconsciously tilted in joy at the incredible sensation, still so new.

"He's gone," she said quietly, her heart clenching in pain that she would never see Hiccup again. She had no doubt he would look for her but as he was married to the Heir to Bog, there was nothing to be gained but heartache in seeing him again. "I have this little one to console me and I only want to do what I can to protect him."

"So what did you do at home?" Kjetil asked her gently and she saw the kindness in his eyes, recalling similar expressions in Stoick's eyes-especially when her parents's house was destroyed and she had been so distraught with guilt and concern.

"I was-am-a warrior," she said boldly as he stared at her. "My home is much further north and we had frequent dragon raids when I was younger. I trained with the axe from when I was able to walk and I was one of the Chief's most trusted warriors. When we made peace with dragons, our focus turned to defending the island from Outcasts and Berserkers..." The Chief stared at her.

"You made peace with the dragons?" he echoed, his brow furrowed with incomprehension. She nodded.

"My betrothed realised they are inherently kind and gentle creatures who were controlled by a giant dragon that forced them to raid the islands," she explained. "They fought because they were forced to, enthralled by her. But we killed the monster and they became friendly and allies. Many live on our island in peace." He shook his head, sighing and she felt a shiver of disquiet: she had wanted to be as honest as possible and she had forgotten that many Tribes were still uncomfortable around dragons.

"You're from Berk," he said heavily and his tone confirmed her worries. "Many down here still count dragons as fearsome beasts and ravening monsters. I will allow you to stay but I would advise you not to speak too freely of these matters-you may find some of the men especially will be hostile." He paused. "There are also Dragon Hunters in these parts, Astrid. There are islands around here where dragons live and they sail in without warning, raiding for the beasts to capture and sell." He noted her eyes glitter with anger and her fists tighten. "Hmm-don't like hunters either?"

"I've fought against them for a year," she said tonelessly. "They've tried to kill us more than I can recall and attacked my village, destroying my parents' home. Do they come around here often?" He shook his head.

"Usually just before the cold sets in-though they sometimes raid us like pirates," he admitted and his face fell. "Can I count on your axe, Astrid?" She nodded, her hand protectively on her middle.

"Of course, sir," she said, though her mind was in turmoil. She hadn't dreamed there was danger to Stormfly, so far away from the Edge and the Hunters they knew...but of course, there had to be others, for who did Viggo trade with otherwise? "If they want to attack my home or capture dragons here, they will find me waiting!" Kjetil rose and screwed his helmet back onto his head. He shook her hand.

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