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Axe practice had started to become harder as Astrid's shape changed and she found she resented the alteration in her balance that threw her aim off. And then she realised that she would just have to work harder, adjusting her technique to account for the changes in her balance and the fact her core wasn't as strong as it had been before. So she went to the woods daily before breakfast, working as she always had with her axe, throwing, cutting and slicing and as she worked, she felt a sudden peace and familiarity roll over her.

Training had always been her refuge, her space where she could forget everything else except the need to be the best she could with a lethal bladed weapon. Working out, feeling the familiar ache in her arms and legs, the prickle of sweat on her skin and the steady beat of her heart made her feel completely alive and the occasional little jab from the baby reminded her why she needed to maintain her skills. As she worked through her standard exercises, she found she could compensate for the changes and she soon found that her accuracy was almost as good as it had been. And when she walked confidently forward to tug the axe free, she heard a familiar chirrup and smiled as Stormfly entered the clearing. Instantly, she smiled and ran to embrace her dragon, standing still with the Nadder gently cooing.

"How are you, girl?" she asked gently, stroking the horn. Stormfly cooed and nuzzled into her middle, causing the baby to give a sharp thump in response. Her breath started and she rested her hand over the swell, a smile lifting her lips. "Hmm, it's okay, little one. That is Stormfly-she's just pleased to see me and you." The dragon crooned as Astrid pulled away-then leapt onto her back. "Come on, girl...let's see how my expanding middle affects my performance..." Giving an excited screech, they shot into the sky, Astrid whooping as she wheeled round and soaring in to the clouds. It was a clear day and she never even saw the forester, watching the dragon vanish above the branches and into the sky.


Gradually, light, sound and a whole range of other sensations slowly filtered into Hiccup's scrambled brain and for a horrific moment, he thought he was back in his cage on the Hunter's ship. He cringed back and whimpered, hunching his scored shoulders until he heard the reassuring croon of Toothless and realised he was wrapped in a blanket, swathed in furs and there was a warm fire a few feet from him.

"T-Toothless?" he rasped, his mouth dry. There was a shuffling and he gave a small scream as Dagur loomed over him. The Berserker rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on!" Dagur moaned. "I'm good now!" Hiccup tried to calm his breathing and gave a small, shamed nod.

"S'okay..." he mumbled. "I know..." He licked his lips. "Thirsty..." Dagur carefully lifted his head and brought a canteen to his lips, carefully letting him drink. Tenderly, Dagur laid him back on the folded blanket that was acting as a pillow and backed away a little.

"Better?" he asked and Hiccup nodded, his eyes fluttering closed.

"Thanks," he mumbled. "How-how did you find me?" Dagur tucked the blanket tighter around him.

"The dragons knew something was wrong and brought us to you," he explained then leaned closer to the patient. "Why didn't you ask me for help?" Brows furrowing, Hiccup forced his eyes open, his scattered wits struggling. His head felt muzzy and pretty much everything hurt so having a discussion with Dagur was low on his list of priorities.

"It was my mess," he mumbled thickly, his throat still dry and split lips muffling his words. "And I didn't want to hurt anyone by damaging alliances with Berk..." Dagur sat back on his heels and planted his fists on his hips.

"As if I care?" he said calmly. "Look-we are allies because of you-not Stoick. We help Berk because you have dragons, not the other way round. And if Stoick makes me choose between Hiccup and Berk...well, my baby brother wins every time..."

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