THIRTY ONE: Reunions

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THIRTY ONE: Reunions

The Riders found them just over three days later, when Sharpshot led the twins, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Heather and Dagur to the cave, guarded by Toothless and Stormfly. The fire was still burning warmly and Hiccup had been hunting for fish and had managed to trap a boar from the nearest island. Astrid had remained inside, recuperating after the birth and nursing her daughter, who they had decided to named Valkana after Hiccup's dead mother, Valka. Toothless scampered around in relief at the arrival of his friends, greeting the dragons with a roar and then sitting proudly at the cave mouth as the familiar tall shape ran out, his emerald eyes lit with relief and joy. Hiccup looked tired, scruff on his jaw and hair wilder than ever-but he waved at the Riders and grinned happily as they landed.

"Thank Thor!" he greeted them.

"How is she?" Heather asked and a proud look lit his eyes.

"They're fine," he said and there was a squeal as the raven-haired girl and Ruff-and Tuff-raced past him into the cave. Hiccup grinned at the sounds of female excitement emanating from the cave as Fishlegs stepped up and hugged him.

"Congratulations!" he said excitedly as Dagur stepped up and almost crushed the one-legged Viking.

" little brother...all grown up..." he said in a choked voice. "And now a father..."

"AIR!" Hiccup gasped and the Berserker Chief released him with an embarrassed look.

"Always forget that," he admitted. Snotlout grinned.

"Yeah-congratulations, cuz," he said cheerfully. "What did you have?" There was a proud look as Hiccup smiled back.

"We have a daughter, Valkana," he said as Snotlout nodded.

"Never mind-Astrid can have a strapping son next time," he said obliviously, not hearing the sharp intake of breath from Fishlegs or seeing the fact that Hiccup's grin grew forced.

"Of course," Hiccup said tightly. "Maybe you want to tell Astrid that? I'm sure she'd welcome your input..." Snotlout clapped him on the back, almost knocking him over.

"Good thinking!" he said brashly. "I mean, after days alone with you, she must be dying for a real man! I'll comfort her over the baby and who knows? Maybe she'll decide she wants the Snotman after all..." He swaggered into the cave and Hiccup folded his arms as Fishlegs looked at him.

"You do realise she'll kill him?" he asked and Hiccup nodded.

"For sure," he said calmly, arching an eyebrow. "I mean, her moods are all over the place and I know her much better than Snotlout. And I know the meaning of the word tact. Or that there is such a thing..."


"Yup-though I have hidden her axe in Toothless's saddle," Hiccup revealed. "Even I am getting in trouble for sleeping when she's awake...or not sleeping quietly enough...or not sleeping so I'm tired...I'm sure she'll calm down in a few weeks..."

The sounds of a punch and a loud whine echoed from the cave.

"My beautiful face!"

"Of course, her punch hasn't lost any of its ferocity," Hiccup added conversationally, rubbing his shoulder in sympathy. "She's Astrid, after all. Hookfang-do you want to go in and rescue him?" The Monstrous Nightmare, which had already curled up on the rocky ledge, cracked open one acid yellow eye and then closed it again with a huff. "You know, I sometimes wonder about their bond," he added.

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