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The villagers who lived by the markets had directed Hiccup, Dagur and Heather towards Sniffling and the three Dragon Riders had headed out rapidly, determined to find the village that purportedly was protected by a dragon rider...and to Hiccup's mind, there was only one person that could apply to.


He was almost fidgeting with anxiety and it took all his strength of will not to accelerate away and leave his friends-because he had no idea what he would find. He knew the Captain was heading to the village to punish them for repelling his ally who had raided them and that thought made Hiccup angry as well. He wasn't ignorant in the ways of the world and knew that Vikings tended to be violent and cruel, taking advantage of the weak and pillaging and plundering at will. No one had really raided Berk too much because of the frequent dragon attacks though the Outcasts had raided occasionally and of course, during the war with the Berserkers, attacks had damaged the village. But by and large, the strength and reputation of Stoick the Vast and the threat of Dragons had largely protected the village. But other islands were definitely not as lucky. And he knew that Astrid was a warrior and would never stand by, no matter her condition, if she could protect others.


He blinked and glanced over at Dagur, who was eyeing him with a smile.


"You kinda zoned out there, brother," the Berserker called to him. "Are you alright?"

Was he alright? He was heading out to face the Captain, the man who had tortured and pretty much broken him-physically, if not mentally, though his stomach was dancing and bubbling with anxiety and his skin was prickling with fear at the prospect. But beyond the man, there was Astrid-the woman he loved with all his heart; his future; his partner; the one person he could always rely on. And he had promised he would always be there for her.

But there were other, more dangerous things going on-the threats of Viggo, Krogan and especially Johann; the mysterious King of Dragons and the implicit danger to all dragons if the evil men got their hands on the beast that could possibly control other dragons. Heather had explained that the lens had been a gift from her father, something to be guarded carefully and more amazingly, Dagur had offered that he had one as well, though it was back on Berserk. And Hiccup knew that he had his 'special project'-a second DragonEye-that could use the lens and try to locate the creature first and keep it from Johann. Heather's information was valuable and Hiccup was torn between his duty to Berk and Dragons and his need to find Astrid before she gave birth.

"Lot on my mind," he admitted. "Viggo and Krogan have a mission to find lenses and I know we have to get to them first. I know Johann was planning on getting my lenses off me-though I concealed them before I left the Edge where no one will find them-not even my gullible but well-meaning friends. They want lenses from every class-and they needed Heather's lens. I pray to Thor that your lens will do the same, Dagur. We will have to speak to the Defenders of the Wing and I think you should be in on that as well-as I have a feeling we'll need everyone we can get together to face them. Those Singetails are ferocious and very powerful...but their riders don't have saddles and there is no bond. I guess if we unseat them, the dragons will leave them..."

"We're going to rescue Astrid and you're already planning to fight Krogan?" Dagur teased him. "Aww-my baby brother has all grown up..." Hiccup shook his head.

"No, I just know what is important," he admitted. "And though I love Astrid...I know I can't abandon matter how stupid my father is. And if Johann gets his hands on the King of Dragons-everyone is in serious danger!"

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