THIRTY FIVE: Homecoming

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Thirty Five: Homecoming

"We'll be okay, bud. It looks like that nightmare is finally over." Hiccup quietly said, glancing at the black dragon at his side. The Hunters were defeated and Fishlegs had just taken the young Eruptodon to safety-though the volcano on Dragon's Edge was shaking and sulphurous gas was pouring from he crater. He could feel the heat from where he stood high on the crater. All he wanted was to see Astrid now, to feel her in his arms and make sure she was safe. He hadn't realised how stressful it was, admitting his love and then letting her go into battle-as if anyone could stop Astrid Hofferson from being the warrior she was born to be.

"Are you sure about that?"

The familiar, smooth voice of Viggo Grimborn sounded from above him and as he looked up the incline, right on the edge of the crater, he saw a sight that froze his heart.

Viggo was seated on Stormfly, behind Astrid with his left arm tight around her, trapping her helpless against her body with her own axe pressed hard against her neck. There was a look of anger in her beautiful face as she struggled and Hiccup forced himself to walk forward, his brows dipped at he stared at the Hunter with hatred.

"Viggo! Let me guess. You want the DragonEye in exchange for Astrid," he said, his eyes locked on the older man. Viggo smiled, a little twinkle of triumph in his dark eyes.

"It sounds so much colder when you say it like that...but yes," Viggo replied, digging the axe harder against Astrid's throat, his grip tightening around the struggling girl. He smiled. "While I do appreciate your assistance in putting my brother back in his place, I must insist you return it to where it belongs-with ME!" And he dug the axe harder into Astrid's neck to emphasis the point. Glancing down at the axe, she flicked her blue gaze to look back up into Hiccup's furious emerald gaze as another cloud of volcanic steam billowed around them. The stench of the volcanic gases was getting stronger as he reached into Toothless's saddlebags and pulled the device out. It was surprisingly heavy in his grasp, the design familiar from so many hours spent poring over it and learning its secrets.

"Hiccup-don't even think about it!" Astrid told him sharply as Viggo jerked her hard against him.

"Come now, are you really going to sacrifice your future?" Viggo taunted him smoothly as Hiccup stared down once more at the device. It represented the most amazing resource to study and seek out dragons...and the most dreadful threat to every dragon on Midgard if it fell back into the hands of Viggo and the Dragon Hunters. "All the wonderful years you have ahead of you...for that?" He heard Astrid gasp as Viggo tightened his grip further and he glared at the man, before Astrid met his eyes. Her beautiful azure gaze was wide and knowing, realising the damage Viggo could do if he got the DragonEye back, and she quietly shook her head.

His heart surged with pride and love at her bravery and her dedication to protecting their draconic friends. She truly was his match, the other half of his soul-and her affirmation gave him the courage he needed. He shrugged and looked at the DragonEye once more.

"Wow, Viggo," he said nonchalantly. "When you put it that way..." His brows dipped and his hand tightened around the device for the last time. His arm swung. "NO I'M NOT!"

And he threw the DragonEye high in the air, past Viggo and towards the crater.

The first thud as it bounced on the ashy ground was loud in the sudden silence as Viggo stared-and then yelled in frustration. "NO!"

And then time slowed as the man's arm moved, the axe slicing deep into white skin, the brilliant red smearing the keen blade. Astrid's gasp was loud as Viggo moved, thrusting her body forward, the bloody axe dropping to the ground by her as she slumped, red pouring down her neck and chest. Horror filled Hiccup's chest as he screamed her name while Viggo ran after the DragonEye. After another two bounces, it vanished over the lip into the crater with the Hunter stretching for it in vain. Just as swiftly, he snapped round, his face filled with rage as he growled...

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