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It was very loud, and Daryl despised the loud noise, just in case of walkers, but he guessed that it didn't really matter now that they were leaving that camp.

Everybody started to get into the shared vehicles and drive off. Once Daryl got into the truck, Opal was done with being emotional. "We're leaving now," he announced.

"Yeah, I could tell," she said, sarcastically.

Daryl scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully.

"So the CDC?" she asked.

Daryl nodded.

"What does it even stand for, they never told us in school," Opal complained.

"Center of Disease Control."

Opal hummed, she thought that it was weird that none of her teachers throughout elementary school, middle school, high school or college, told her that.

The car was filled with silence as Daryl followed everybody else, and now, they were on their way to a new hope.


Opal walked beside Daryl, her suspicion growing with each step closer to the CDC. She really hoped this place would be legit, but they wouldn't know until they finally got in, if they got in.

Walkers started to surround the group and Daryl shot a few with his crossbow, not even bothering to go and retrieve his arrows from his handy crossbow.

Rick started to bang on the shutters that guarded the entrance. Nobody was there. There was no hope.

Shane started to pull Rick away, who was still frantically trying to get in, by yelling and attracting the walkers.

Daryl put his hand on Opal's shoulder, "come on, let's get back to the car, ain't nothing here for us."

Opal nodded, her face frowning. She was disappointed that the group drove this far, for Jim, just to leave him.

What they had to do with Jim was leave him on the side of the road, to turn into a walker. Opal didn't think it was the right thing to do, they should have at least not let him turn. But, it was what Jim wanted and the group all wanted to honor his decision.

Everybody had lost their hope when the shutters had finally opened. Everybody was surprised, nobody was expecting that there was actually somebody in there after all that waiting.

Everybody started to run in. there stood a man, he wore a grey shirt and held a shotgun, one that looked like the one Shane would carry.

"Go get the things you need from the cars, these doors are going to close in five minutes," he told. Rick, Daryl, T-Dog and Shane all ran back outside to grab everything from the cars.

Once they all came back into the building, the still unnamed man shut the doors and shutters again.

"I'm Dr. Edwin Jenner."

Everybody put their guns down, after the attack Rick and Shane both decided that everybody should hold a gun, even if they didn't know how to. They were going to help teach how when they all had enough time too.

Rick was standing in front of everyone, protecting the group. "I'm Rick Grimes."

"Why are you here?" Edwin questioned.

"For a chance," Rick said, putting his weapon into it's holster that was connected to his belt.

"That's asking a lot these days," he said, his gun now lowered.

"I know, but we need it," Opal could hear Daryl scoff next to her. She jumped, she had no idea that the taller man was next to her.

"Are any of you infected?"

The was a chorus of sighs as everyone remembered Jim's fate from early that day.

"One of us was, but they're gone now." Rick told, his voice strong, as if we didn't really mind that the groups mechanic was dead.

Jenner nodded, processing the information, "you all have to take a blood test to come in. That's all."

The group was relieved to hear that it was so simple to be able to join.

"Follow me, I'll take you to the test room," the doctor said, turning around and starting to walk to wherever they were going.

Everybody followed with hesitation, nobody trusted Edwin Jenner right away.

Yet, only one question was going though Opal's head during the time it took them to walk. Why did it take Jenner so long to open the shutters? He's a doctor, he knew that the group needed sanctuary, and they had women, and kids. They needed help. Why did it take him so long to notice that?

Jenner sat down on a stool and started to get everything needed set up, nobody wanted to go first, especially Opal. She could barely even deal with getting a shot, and she had never had her blood taken with a needle before, she was queasy at the thought of it.

She was tense and her face showed how uncomfortable she was.

"You okay?" Daryl asked, looking down at Opal's disgruntled face.

She shrugged, not looking back up at Daryl, she watched carefully as Jenner continued to set everything up.

"Don't like shots?" Daryl assumed.

Opal nodded heavily, frowning.

"You'll be fine."

The girl scoffed quietly and finally looked back to Daryl, "I know I'll be fine, doesn't mean that I can't be scared of it." Opal felt bad for slightly blowing up at Daryl, but she was stressed and needed a way to calm down.

Daryl wasn't offended at Opal, he knew that he definitely would have been if somebody else in the group had spoken to him that way, but Opal was different, and Daryl was upset that she was. He was confused on why he was letting her break down his walls so quickly, or at all honestly. After living with his father, an another abusive asshole, Daryl believe that he could never let anybody get close to him, never let anybody know his past. Not even Merle knew about the scars that were scattered all across his body.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell," Opal apologised, looking back down at the floor.

"It's fine, don't worry."

Jenner stood, he was finally finished with everything that was needed to pull blood from a person's veins, "who wants to go first?"

Nobody stood forward. They were all too suspicious of the man.

whoops sos for the late update

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