chapter six

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"You've never ridden a horse before?" I wiped my eyes from the tears that were falling from my eyes

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"You've never ridden a horse before?" I wiped my eyes from the tears that were falling from my eyes.

"No, okay? It's because I've never had the time to."

I can't believe Calvin's never rode a horse before. C'mon, he's twenty one for God's sake!

"Well, for your luck, I was actually going back to my older sister's place. She's a horse back riding instructor, so we can go on a trail ride." I smiled, and he cringed.

"But I don't like horses."

"Too, bad, Cal."

How did we get to the subject of horses? I was telling him I was going to visit my sister, Enid, and told him that she lives on a barn with horses, so on.


"Do we have to do this?" He grabbed my hand, and tried pulling me to the car.

At least he tried.

"No, Calvin!" I smirked, "You're getting over your stupid fear of horses."

"I'm not scared of horses."

"Sure." I pulled my platinum blond, newly cut hair into a ponytail.

"I'm not scared of horses, I'm scared of falling off one."

"Well, if the saddle's tight, your feet are in the stirrups, and you hold on to your reigns, then you're not falling off."

"What about when we jump?"

"It's a trail walk, there's no jumping. Besides, my sister and I learned Western style, there's no jumping in western riding."

"I don't know what you said, but let's just get this over with." He crossed his arms, and I knocked on the door.

Enid answered, and smiled.


"Enid!" I wrapped my arms around my taller sister, and we disbanded from each other.

"So, who's the guy?" She leaned into my ear, "He's cute." I wiped my ear on my shoulder and cringed at her.

"No, E! This is Calvin, Calvin this is Enid. Calvin's a little scared of horses."

"Not true." He rolled his eyes,

"He also doesn't know anything about horses."

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