chapter seventeen

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TheodoraKing| not a teddy
ok guys, enid is asleep so why not do a q&a? ignoring ones involving Jake or my love life thanks. #AskThea

usernamea| user
#AskThea What happened to Enid? Is she ok?

TheodoraKing| not a teddy
usernamea not getting into details, but I don't know if Enid is ok or not, the doctors won't tell me, thanks for asking!

#AskThea Are you still in London? Is Calvin with you? Are you guys a thing

usernamec| user
Dude, not cool, she's not answering those and you still asked usernameb

usernamed| user
#AskThea get back with jake you looked way way happier with him and you seem depressed and not yourself now. all leafyishere does is cyber bully people, at least jakepaul has good content

leafyishere| Leafy
at least I don't push TheodoraKing around and abuse her. at least I'm not a fucking retarded little shoe who thinks yelling into a camera is 'good content'. at least neither teddy or I waste our time looking through someone's old videos to figure out the difference in actions or presentation to differ if the person (who we don't even like) is happy or not. so maybe you should mind your own business, thanks usernamed

usernamee| user
#AskThea are you getting another tattoo soon? you talk about getting more tattoos in your videos.

TheodoraKing| not a teddy
usernamee good question, I plan on getting one tattoo, a surprise, and me and EnidKing are getting tattoos together when she gets out of the hospital.

usernamef| user
#AskThea Are you still in London?

TheodoraKing| not a teddy
usernamef Nope, back in Seattle.

usernameg| User
#AskThea where's leafyishere?

TheodoraKing| not a teddy
usernameg Germany

usernameh| User
#AskThea What happened to Enid?

TheodoraKing| not a teddy
usernameh Not going into any details, but she was seriously hurt, and she's went through surgery. the doctors still aren't sure about her, hopefully she wakes up soon, thanks for asking ❤️

TheodoraKing| not a teddy
not answering anymore, Enid woke up 🙃

jakepaul| Jake Paul
#AskThea got time for one more?

TheodoraKing| not a teddy
jakepaul #blocked

jakepaul| Jake Paul
TheodoraKing C'mon, don't be like this.

TheodoraKing| not a teddy
lol k leaf me alone life was good without you. jakepaul

jakepaul| Jake Paul
TheodoraKing We both know that's a lie.

leafyishere| Leafy
jakepaul no it's not, she's told me the shit you've done, you need to mind your damn business, and stop messing around with Theodora because she's sick and tired of your shit and honestly, so am I.

TheodoraKing| not a teddy
leafyishere 😆☺️🤟🏻 jakepaul 😒🙄👋🏻

jakepaul| Jake Paul
When you get sick of that cyber bully, I'm always here

TheodoraKing| not a teddy
not in a million plus years, i'd much rather hang out with jacob saggytits (I can't say be with, I'm not a pedophile. wait. much rather be in jail than with you) so totally

jakepaul| Jake Paul
You say that now, TheodoraKing

leafyishere| Leafy
jakepaul I can't believe you're desperate enough to go after your old girl that you're stalking her social media, can you please just stop? im concerned, dude, seriously concerned.

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