chapter twenty five

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time skip, it's now June (it was March or April before) p-p-p-p-pa! play that cancerous shit!

time skip, it's now June (it was March or April before) p-p-p-p-pa! play that cancerous shit!

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Fuck dude.

It's weird now.

Calvin's in Europe again, with his sister, and his girlfriend? Fuck. So I guess whatever happened in London means nothing to him.

Absolutely fucking nothing.

And, he's free to do whatever he wants, I shouldn't care. But I do. And, yeah, it's not my place to tell him if he's allowed to have a girlfriend, but I thought he'd at least talk to me about it.

So, I was talking to Calvin's sister, Roxie, and she was telling me about how she's going to Europe again with Calvin, but she said that he's bringing some girl, too. Or that he met her in Europe, I don't know the details.

But I know Calvin's met a girl.

It shouldn't hurt like it does, because I don't like Calvin. I know I don't. But Roxie seems to think otherwise, but she's not even twenty, she doesn't really know me like that.

Emmaline's been helping me through these months, but she's found herself a wifey. She hardly had time for me.

I guess I've just been isolated from people for awhile, and I don't mind it. I need a break. I need awhile to collect my thoughts.

I've collected my thoughts, and then they scatter out again. So I just think of London. I think of Calvin.

I remember all of his body features, and I mean everything.

(thinking about adding smut, but it's more awkward to write it than read it).

But, you know what happened?


I posted a new photo on Instagram, and it blew up, as usual. Shit, that made me sound like a bitch, damn.

But, anyways, as I was scrolling through some of my fans' pages, I got so many likes and replies on one comment on the post.

I clicked on the comment, and I gasped,

"What happened, we're your nudes leaked?" Emmaline asked, and I just showed her my phone. "No fucking way. This is a joke, this is a prank." I smiled, and shook my head.

"This is real, holy shit. I don't even know how he found me."

Hey, can I ask you something?

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