chapter twenty two

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theodoraisking our reaction when eonline has nothing else to write about except false accusations, and we don't care because 1

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theodoraisking our reaction when eonline has nothing else to write about except false accusations, and we don't care because 1. me and Calvin aren't dating, 2. those pictures were of my ex boyfriend from years ago (not jake) and 3. you guys already know we're not petty enough to 'fake date' each other. so, e!news can suck my left nut. also Calvin got banned from Instagram, which is great.

usernamea who was the guy in those photos then?


usernamec ugh it's obviously Leafy in those photos.

usernamed if Thea said it's not Leafy, then it's not, usernamec, people like you get on my fucking nerves.

theodoraisking just don't acknowledge them, then they're the winners, it's why you don't see me reading hate comments, usernamed.

usernamee maybe it's because you're a fucking bitch who can't take a little criticism.

usernamef ugh #ISUPPORTTHEA


usernameh stop with the hashtags.

roxieispoxy ugh eonline is even saying I'm dating crankthatfrank. Like stfu you don't know shit.

eonline sorry for our mistake, ladies, accept our apology! theodoraisking roxieispoxy

roxieispoxy how about you rot in hell. and take down the damn articles. eonline.

theodoraisking oh wait, you're not going to because the more people who view it the more you cause fucking drama eonline your articles aren't even valid and they're complete bullshit.

usernamei yass debunk e!news!

usernamej eonline is bs

usernamek who was that guy in the pictures then?

usernamel an ex boyfriend, duh, usernamrk she doesn't need to explain herself to you.

usernamem neither does Leafy, he already had enough drama going on in his own world so leave him alone.

usernamen But eonline Never Lies...

usernameo omgggg attention whore:

usernamep if you believe that usernamen please kill yourself.

usernameq I Love Thea So Much Ugh Like She Is My Queen I Love Her But I Support E!News More Because They Have Proof.

usernamer kys usernameq you don't know shit and you weren't there so you can't say anything.

usernames yea I was there when I met Thea those first photos weren't even of Leafy that was of her ex boyfriend Thomas something.

roxieispoxy and you don't need to capitalize every letter at the beginning of a word, usernameq.

theodoraisking I love you, Roxie I can't wait til summer so you can spend time with us!

roxieispoxy ily2, but I'm also going to Jersey :(((

usernameq at least I have capitol letters, roxieispoxy

roxieispoxy ok I do use capital letters when it's necessary, unlike you? and at least I can spell capital correctly.

usernamet this comment section is my life.

usernameu ^^^

usernamev still don't like Thea but I hate e!news more:

usernamew jamemdmkxopapqpw

usernamex English please.

theodoraisking thank you all who support me (and Calvin, and roxieispoxy, and crankthatfrank) in this!

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