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one year later, 3rd pov

Calvin and Theodora had a pretty rocky relationship, but they still made it work.

No, Calvin never proposed to Thea, and she was okay with that. After all, they were still in their early twenties, something could easily rip them apart.

Calvin stopped uploading videos near Christmas time, during 2017, for a certain reason. Thea had gotten pregnant. So, Thea kept uploading until people could see that she was pregnant, and she couldn't hide it anymore.

That was months ago. She had a miscarriage. But why? The doctors didn't even know. They said that the chance of Thea being able to have children is almost little to none.

Thea and Calvin were both depressed about it for months. And today? Today was the day that their child was suppose to be born. They couldn't even find out the sex, so they both named their child a unisex name, Hayden.

Thea was laying on her bed, watching Soul Eater, while Calvin was asleep on her lap. Thea's stomach was already back in its 'before pregnancy' shape.

Their relationship was falling apart, slowly. They were being distant, except for right now, and they've been getting into a few more fights than usual.

"I'm falling down into my shadow, iki wo hisomete." Thea lightly sang, running a hand through Calvin's hair.

"Don't scary, majo ga egaita." Calvin said, opening his brown eyes to meet Thea's green ones.

"I'm sorry for waking you, I know how bad your schedule is." Ever since the miscarriage, Calvin's hardly been getting any sort of sleep.

"It's alright, I wasn't really asleep anyways." He sat up, and watched the rest of the opening of Soul Eater with his girlfriend.

Now, usually Calvin gets mad when anyone wakes him up, so it surprised Thea when he just shook it off.

"You should get some sleep, you're really sleep deprived."

"I wanna watch Soul Eater with you, Teddy." He was lying, and the thing about knowing Calvin for over a year and a half is that she could tell when he was lying.

"Whatever you say, Cal." She knew telling him he was wrong would end in a fight that would last for God knows how long.

They both hated fighting with each other. Theadore had too much pride to admit she was wrong, and Calvin was too stubborn.

Sooner or later, Calvin rested his head on Thea's shoulder, and closed his eyes. Muffin jumped on the bed, too, resting in Thea's lap.

Thea smiled triumphantly when she heard his light snores in her ear. She turned off the anime, and lightly laid Calvin down on the soft mattress.

"Goodnight, Calvin, I love you." She kissed his forehead, and he smiled in his sleep.

That night is when Calvin got the best sleep he's ever gotten in months.

They both rekindled their relationship so they were steady again. Sure, they fought about stupid stuff, but what couple doesn't? Thea had finally gotten over the idea of not being able to have kids, Calvin was enough for her. Besides, she can just adopt.

And that's what she did. When she turned twenty five, they adopted.

Calvin and Thea adopted a thirteen-year-old boy named Kai. Theodora uploaded one last video to explain what's been happening and why she hasn't posted in years. She stopped after that.

They moved to New York to start a new life with Kai. Thea got a real job. She bought a bar, and Calvin worked there with her.

They were a happy family. When Theodora was thirty three, she was diagnosed with cancer. Of course, she didn't let that stop her. She lived her life to the fullest. She survived it, like Kai and Calvin knew she would.

So, that just sums it up. Like every other fan fiction, Thea and Calvin stayed together. They had their rough patches, but they always solved it.

They worked their way through life, even though they were both pretty difficult.

yes that's all. bye, i hope you enjoyed! this was a very basic fanfic lmao. check out my other stories!

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