IV: Memories

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Yara's POV

They keep a watch on me now. They watch me so they can be sure that I will not pull another stunt. But I learned my lesson. It will not happen again.

In four days time will be the Feast of Starlight. Today is five years to the day, that the Company of Thorin Oakenshield arrived in the Mirkwood. I an SUPPOSED to be spending these four days preparing for the Feast, but I have other plans.

Stealing down a staircase, I make sure no one is around. I go down to the dungeons, somehow remembering the way. Once I am there, the empty cells come alive with the Dwarves.

The memories flood over me, making me want to laugh and cry at the same time. Deep in memory and thought, I wander around, until I realize which cell I stand in front of.


The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. Sinking to my knees in despair, I finally let the tears come out. The memories, they are too much. I should not have come down here...

A loud scream echoes around me, and I know it is not mine. It almost sounds like a cross between a duck and a frog. It scares me.

"My Precious!" it yells. "Gone! Stolen!" And there, sitting just three cells away, is the source of the voice. Blue eyes stare at me through the shadows, and I stand up, so I can run.

"What's this Precious?" the voice asks. "An Elf, yes, yes! An Elf. Not many Elfses come down here. Only the mean blonde one."

"Mean blonde one?" I ask, confused. The eyes disappear,"mustn't ask us, not it's business."

"Come into the torchlight," I order. I remember Bilbo had once told me of a strange being, that spoke in a backwards tongue, but surely whatever is in here cannot be what he spoke of. The blue eyed being steps, or crawls to be more specific, into the light, and I take in a deep breath.

Hollow looking cheeks, almost jaundiced color skin, they all point to the fact that he is sickly and starved. His blue eyes bulge out, but they look intelligent, like he is planning the murder of everyone in the palace.

"What's this? Gollum, Gollum," he says, the last words coming out like a hoarse cough.

"Your name is Gollum?" I ask. He shakes his head, chuckling, but gives no answer. Something seems off about him.

"Answer me!" I order, and cause him to flinch.

"Gollum, Gollum," he says again. I decide that I will call him Gollum.

"Why did they put you down here?"


"Yara, what are you doing down here?" Legolas asks me. I stand, and turn around in shock,"I got lost in memories, then found someone in here."

"It's the mean blonde Elf, Precious, yes," Gollum says. Legolas grabs my arm,"come, Andriel and Tayos are looking for you." He leads me away, leaving me to wonder why that Gollum creature was down there.


I wander through the darkened halls like a ghost, the candle stick in my hand adding to my ghostliness. My nightmares have gotten worse, so sleep comes fitfully. I decide to go to the library, and read my sorrows away.

As I come to the library door, I can hear voices. One sounds angry, one is trying to calm the angry voice down, and a third IS calm. Pressing my ear against the door, I listen to what is being said. But that is when the voices decided to stop talking.

I back away from the door a bit, my hand on the door handle.

"Someone is outside of the door," the second voice says. I drop the candle stick in shock, sending a loud clang through the hall. Backing away from the door, I turn to run. It opens, and a voice stops me. Legolas has opened the door, Lura and Thranduil looking at me with perplexed faces. I start running, not bothering to turn back.

I can hear someone running behind me, but I do not look to see who it is. I do not CARE who it is. They can follow me all they want, but I will not stop.

I turn down a corner, but my wrist is grabbed. I cry out in pain, the hand squeezing my cut up wrists. I find myself face to face with Legolas. I struggle to free myself from his grip, but it only tightens further.  I cry out in pain, and grit my teeth.

"What is wrong?" Legolas asks.

"My wrist," I squeak. "You are hurting it..." He releases my wrist, and I rub the soreness away.

"If you excuse me, I will be retiring for the rest of the night," I say, crossly, then storm away.

That Prince gets on my nerves.

Well? Thoughts? Do you like the part with Gollum? And do you think I should do something on the Feast of Starlight?

Song requests are welcome for future chapters!

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