VI: Chased Down All My Demons

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Third Person POV

"Thranduil told me of what you did with Legolas," Elrond says. Yara looks up at him,"that was seventy-two years ago, Ada. It was an accident."

"Accidents like that do not just happen," he snaps. "You do realize you could have gotten pregnant!?" Yara feels her bottom lip start to quiver, and she looks down.

"There is no need to remind me," she mutters angrily. Elrond sighs, rubbing his temples,"you need to be more careful, Yara. What would you have done if you did have a child, and you Legolas were not married?" At this Yara starts crying. Elrond looks at her with worry.

"What is wrong, my daughter?" he asks. Yara shakes her head, then collapses to the floor, a mess of tears.

Yara's POV

Valar, please, take this pain from me. It hurts me to no abounds, making my guilt worse.

"Celebsanga," my father says, making me look up at him. "What happened?" I take in a deep breath,"I was pregnant, but I... I-I lost the baby..." My father's breath hitches, as he looks at me with worry.

"I am at a loss for words..." he mutters. "Yara, do you realize the gravity of the situation?" His voice remains calm, but I can tell by his face that he is angry. I look up at him, my face burning red,"I do realize this, but I am done making mistakes!"

 I look up at him, my face burning red,"I do realize this, but I am done making mistakes!"

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"Yara, wait!" Legolas called to me. I turned to face him,"what? I am already late for my walk with Tauriel and Lura."

"You seem off today," he murmured, coming over to me. "I just wished to see if you were all right." I sighed,"I am fine, my Lord. Now, if you excuse me, I am leaving." I turned on my heel, and left him standing in the middle of the hallway, alone.

All truths be told, something was off about me. I did not know what it was, yet, but I was determined to figure it out. As I made it outside, a strange wave of nasuea hit me. I bent over by a tree, upchucking most of my breakfast.

"What in the world...?" I muttered, wiping my face. I had not eaten anything bad at the breakfast, so it was not that, that had made me sick.

I was deep in thought, by time I made it to where I had arranged to meet Tauriel and Lura. Both noticed I was distracted.

"Is everything alright?" Lura asked, glancing at me. I sighed,"I do not know..." I got lost in thought again, thinking about what had happened between Legolas and I, not but four months ago. Surely, nothing had come of that, had it?

But as I continued thinking, more worries ran through my head. My dresses had not been fitting me properly, especially in the stomach and chest area, but I had told myself I would figure it out later.

Our walk paused for a few heartbeats, for I stopped to throw up again. That only confirmed the nagging voice in my head.

I was pregnant with Legolas' child.

As the realization sunk into my brain, I gave a loud wail. Running my fingers through my hair, I began to look around, but everything now seemed hazy.

"Yara, what is wrong? Tell me NOW!" Lura snapped. I looked down,"no, if I tell you, you will hate me..."

"No, I won-"

Her words were cut off by a loud screech. Our eyes widened in fear. Orcs were on their way to attack us, and all I had with me was two flimsy daggers.

"Be ready," Tauriel ordered, drawing her bow. Just as she said that, the Orcs attacked.

I do not remember much of the how I fought the Orcs, but I do remember being stabbed in the stomach by one. Neither Lura or Tauriel had realized I was fallen, until after all the Orcs had been killed.

"Yara!?" Tauriel called, looking for me. I could barely muster an answer, but I would rather they left me there. I would have died, the child along with me.

"We have to get her back to the palace..." Lura muttered. She placed a hand on my wound, and it slightly started glowing a purple color.

"That should keep her safe, until we reach the palace..."

I was saved, but I lost the baby that day. Thranduil was the only one to find out I was pregnant, besides myself.

"I am disappointed in both you and Legolas," Thranduil told me. "We are lucky the child is dead." His words broke my heart. Lucky? I would have loved the child, and I was sure Legolas would have, too. How was I lucky?

But now all that is left is a scar and the hollow feeling in my stomach.

Damn... That was heavy... It hurt my heart so much.

Hope I don't make you all sad...

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