XII: Reclaiming the Citadel

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Third Person POV

"We fight for each other. We fight to reclaim a once mighty city. We fight to end the hold of evil. We fight to help save our futures for ourselves and our posterity! We fight to help save Middle Earth!"

A loud war cry rings through the mass of Rangers. At the head stands Yara, Altáriël, Farin, and Eradan, their faces straight, showing none of their emotions. They wait for a while, until Orcs start to appear from their hiding places.

"To Battle!" Eradan yells, pointing his sword at the Orcs. Everyone charges, yelling at the tops of their lungs.

Yara's POV

I raise my sword, running at the horde head on. I have to do this. If I want to help secure a future for my family, then I have to fight.

An Orc meets me, my sword clashing against his spear. We battle with each other for a few moments, before I break his spear in two. Without his weapon he is now defenseless, or so I think. He tries to grab my sword away from me, but I quickly cut off his arm, his head following. I flinch at the black blood that sprays over me, but press on forward. I have to do this. I have to fight.

Orc after Orc fall beneath my blade, until the ground is slick with their blood. I pause, only once, to catch my breath, before I continue to battle.

Eventually, the Orcs are fallen, and the citadel is ours. I smile, triumphantly, going over to Altáriël.

"We did it," she breaths, in relief. I nod,"we did." We both quickly hug, before going to find Eradan and Farin. The two are standing on a set of stairs, laughing with each other. Upon seeing us, they both break into larger grins.

"Yara! Altáriël!" Eradan greets, waving us over. We climb the stairs, and I force a smile on my face.

"It seems that a small competition is order when we get back to camp," Farin tells us. I raise an eyebrow,"oh, really. And what is that exactly?"

"A drinking game. I hope you will both join," Eradan tells me. My face pales, before I shake my head,"no, I will not be partaking in this." Altáriël raised an eyebrow,"are you sure, m'lady?"

"You know I do not drink, Mellon," I lie, looking at her with pleading eyes. "I never have." Eradan chuckles,"well, this seems the occasion to change that, does it not?" I glare at him,"I doubt you would understand this, but it is part of my vows to never drink a sip of alcohol." Eradan snorts,"very well. You are missing out, though."

"Yara, you usually do not say no to a drinking contest," Altáriël comments to me

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"Yara, you usually do not say no to a drinking contest," Altáriël comments to me. "We both know you can drink both Eradan and Farin under the table. So how come you're not participating?" I look over at her,"I-I cannot tell you. You would not let me help save Fornost if you knew."

"Yara, you can tell me, you know that," Altáriël sighs. I nod,"but you will not like it. Come. I need to tell you away from prying ears." We walk off, towards a small stream.

"What is wrong, my friend?" Altáriël asks. I sigh, leaning against a tree,"do you promise to not get mad at me?"

"I promise," she tells me. I sigh, again, placing my hands on my stomach,"I-I am. . ." The words feel like they are stuck in my throat.

"I am pregnant. . ." I whisper, looking down. Altáriël gives a small gasp,"what!? How!? When!?" Her face is shocked, until it fades to one of anger and hurt.

"Yara, you realize that you could lose the baby!?" she hisses.

"Altáriël, I do see this," I whisper. "But I must follow my path. The road is hidden, yes, but it leads to me helping to reclaim this once great providence." Altáriël bites her lip,"m'lady, I just wish for you to be careful. Please." I nod,"I will be careful. On my honor." She takes in a deep breath, before walking away. I watch her go, then decide to head back to my tent.

When I get there, Eradan is waiting for me, for an odd reason. I raise an eyebrow, as I head over.

"I just wished to see if you were well," he quickly explains as I walk over. I nod, slowly,"yes, I am well, Eradan." It is a lie. I am not fine. I am not whole. I have not been whole since Legolas and I parted ways, long back in October.

"M'lady?" Eradan asks, making me look up. "Are you sure you are alright?" I glare at him, harshly,"Eradan, I am fine. Now if you do not mind, I will be retiring for the night." I swiftly enter my tent, not looking back at Eradan.

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