VII: After All This Time?

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Third Person POV

Yara stands on a balcony in Rivendell, the wind blowing her hair away from her face.

"Celebsanga," Elrond says, coming up behind her. Yara turns around, a sad smile on her face,"hello, Ada." Elrond smiles back,"you have started to answer to that name again." Yara nods,"I began to realize that a name will not die if I want it to."

"That is good," Elrond replies. Yara sighs, shrugging.

"Will you be coming to the Council?" Elrond asks, breaking the moment's silence. Yara nods,"I shall. It affects us all. I just pray to the Valar that Frodo's strength is well for the Council."

"I believe he is well enough," Elrond replies. Yara sighs, closing her eyes.

Yara's POV

I walk away from the balcony, and go to find a quiet spot to read. I have a pain in my chest, one that has been there, since I left Mirkwood. Seventy-two years away from the one I love has been too much for me, but Thranduil and my father both called off the betrothal. All because of that one mistake Legolas and I made.

"Yara!" I hear Altáriël call to me. I turn around, the wind blowing my hair into my face.  She smiles at me, as she comes over.

"Will you be attending the council?" I ask. She shakes her head,"no, I will not."

"Do you know who will be attending the council?" I interrogate. Altáriël sighs,"it is best if you wait to see, m'lady. Now please, come. Arwen is looking for you." Once Altáriël and I reach Arwen, Altáriël leaves me, so I may speak with Arwen.

"What is it, Sister?" I ask, sitting next to her on the bench.

"I wished to see how you feel," she replies. I sigh, and look down. All everyone ever asks anymore is how I feel. I am fine, I am well. The nagging voice comes at me again.

Are you fine? Are you truly fine, Yara? Think this over clearly.

"I am... I am..." I murmur, not sure what word to use. "Not well..." I break down crying, and bury my head in my hands. Arwen wraps her arms around me in a hug, trying to get me to calm down. I cry until my eyes are red and swollen shut. I miss him, I miss Legolas with all my heart.

 I miss him, I miss Legolas with all my heart

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"Come, Mellon Nin," Altáriël says. "We are to greet the council members from Mirkwood." I nod, biting my nails. It is a bad habit I have came of, but it distracts me. I pray that Legolas is not among them.

But as the four horses come up, I recognize three of the heads of hair. They are Thranduil, Lura, and Legolas.

Oh, Valar, Legolas...

He looks pale, and unkempt. His face has a strange facade, one that makes my heart pang. As they all dismount from their horses, I slowly go over to Legolas. He looks at me, his blue eyes shining with deep emotion, but I cannot tell what it is. Love? Anger? Sadness?

All of a sudden, he releases his horse, and runs over to me, wrapping me into a tight hug. I bury my head into his chest, and start crying. Hearing him sniffle, I look up at him, and realize he is crying, as well.

"I was told you had left," he murmurs. "My father told me that you were pregnant with my child, but you were ashamed, so you left." I shake my head,"that is a lie. I was never ashamed to be pregnant. I was proud to be able to bear your child."

"Where is our child? Our little Elleth or Ellon?" Legolas asks. I bury my head into his chest, and start crying again.

"Come with me, and I will tell you," I mumble, taking his hands.

Legolas' POV

As Yara recounts her tale to me, I realize just how much pain she is in. It sounds terrible, and I wish I had been there for her.

"But the worse part," she mumbles. "Was when your father said you were using me, that you did not truly love me." Yara starts playing with the scar across her neck, so I take her hands, hoping to get her to stop that tick.

In all truths, I missed Yara in the seventy-two years she was gone. Even with her standing here right now in front of me, a guilt rolls over me. I feel like I am the cause for all of her pain. As if reading my mind, Yara looks up at me, and mumbles something.

"What was that, love?" I ask her. She blushes, then repeats herself,"none of this is your fault, I hope you realize this..." I sigh, but nod, not fully believing it is not my fault. I feel a gentle kiss on my cheek, then a tight hug.

"What have we become, Legolas?" Yara asks me. I rub her back, shutting my eyes, trying to think of a reply.

"What we think, we become..."

Agh, why am I crying so hard!? I've been so stressed and feeling like I'm going to cry, and now this is the cherry on top, I guess. 😭😭

I hope you all enjoyed it...

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