Unexpected Prsents and Presences

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As a present to Hermione, for Christmas, George decided to take her to the one restaurant she longed to visit. At first she was confused, “You got me an empty envelope?”. He laughed at her innocence, once he had explained, she finally understood.


“I can’t believe this!” Hermione squealed, squeezing his hand “How didn’t I suspect a thing?”. George laughed, opening the door to the restaurant. He insisted she could choose anything, nothing was off limits. But, being the thoughtful woman she was, she skipped starters and had a small main “Just the small prawn salad, please”.


“Medium” George whispered to the waiter, he smiled and leaned over “At least you have kind wife!”. Hermione didn’t laugh, unlike George. He knew what she was thinking, she was dreading the conversation of discussing ‘madrigal vows’.


“Do you think you will marry when you’re-“


“So how are you paying for this meal, then?” Hermione smiled, taking a large mouthful of white wine.


“It said to in Fred’s will”. Hermione nearly choked on her drink “What?” she coughed.


“Fred specifically told me to spend 40% of his money to the person who makes me happy, for we believed we would only be happy with each other” George’s face saddened slightly. Hermione squeezed his hand “Fred was always the smart one”. George laughed, as did Hermione. Even the presence of Fred’s name always brought happiness.


As the dinner was served, George begun tucking into his meal. Hermione saw the look on his face, he was so complete now. Ever since Fred died, George had always seen, broken.


Hermione picked up a small fork, carefully picking out the prawns. It tasted lovely, in fact delicious. The meal was concluded by a magnificent finale; banoffe pie. Hermione sighed and slumped in her chair “I’m full to my core”. George laughed and agreed “Same, but I really fancy a-“


“Butterbeer?” George laughed and nodded “Same, I’ll pay, George. This wil be my treat-“


“No, Hermione” George sighed pulling out his wallet. He piled the money onto the table. Hermione wiped her mouth with a napkin when, suddenly she saw a flicker of blonde in the window. She gasped and stood up.


“Hermione, dear?” George called “Are you ok?”.


Hermione snapped from her stares “What? Um, yeah”.


“It’s just everybody’s looking at you”.


Hermione looked around and sighed sitting back down. But she saw it again, and she was sure it was...


“One minute” Hermione said rushing out into the street. She was pushed around by the busy workers trying to make their way. “Draco!” She screamed at the blonde figure. At the mention of his name many around her grunted and yelled “Traitor!”. She ignored them, running after ‘him’.


“Hermione!” She stopped and turned to see George running after her “What in merlins beard are you doing?!”


She sighed, rubbing her head “I um, needed air”. He smiled, kissing her forehead, taking hold of her hand. He pulled her along the street till they came to a near pub.


It was a proper English pub. Wooden beams hung across the ceiling, decorated by English flags. The bar, oak and varnished, was handled by a large man with an equally large beer belly. By each side of him, was two young, blonde women with matching dresses. Hermione shook her head and sat down, opposite her was a crowd of men hovering around a small radio. She could tell by the familiar commentators voice, Charles Welkin, that it was the Quidditch World Cup Qualifiers. It didn’t take an idiot to realise it was England who were playing.


“Explains the flags” Hermione said to herself.


“Huh?” George said placing two butterbeers on the table. She shook her head and took a mouthful of drink. George laughed as he saw the light, creamy froth hovering above her lip. He loved the way she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. He wiped her lip with his thumb, kissing her lips softly afterwards.


She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, they seemed so happy, but Hermione couldn’t help but think about if that man was Draco.  




After a few hours, and a few drinks, the couple finally decided to go home. So, George took hold of Hermione’s hand and, together, they walked down the cobbled streets. Hermione sighed and rested her head on George’s arm. But suddenly, she saw that familiar blonde haired boy. And this time, she was sure she was right.


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