From the Start

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There was a silence across the room which fell like a thick fog. Hermione had sat on a small stool which she had noticed to be the stool she had sat upon when she was sorted in Gryfindor house in her first year. How they were simple times. McGonagall was sat in her rightfall place, the Headmisteress Throne. Draco, however, was standing, leaning agaisnt the stone wall, his hand runnning through his hair. 

Hermione sighed and cleared her throat 'Whe-where do we start?'.

Draco smirked and stood up straight 'We are going to war, a war that never ended. So there is no start, just an end to look forward to' He looked down at the floor 'Which is coming quite soon fo me, I think'. Hermione gasped and gathered herself to her feet, grabbing his arms 'You will not give up on me, Malfoy! You will no give up!' Tears soon came flooding down her face quicker than her unsteady breaths 'Promise me Draco!' She shook him, quickly 'Promise me you wont leave me too!'.

Draco grabbed her hands and pulled her into his arms, which she fell into, quickly. She sobbed har into him, not caring that their Head Misteress watched on. Draco smoothed out her hair and kissed her head, softly. He whispered in her ear 'I love you'. Hermione sobbed harder, she had waited so long to hear those words, but it only made her realise she could never let him go. 'I love much' She squeezed him tighter and then finally pulled away. 

After a momment of staring at each other, savouring those momments, McGonagall cleared her throat 'You two need to get to saftey, someone is trying to scare us all-'

'It is definetly working' Hermione and Draco turned to see Ron and Harry, holding Ginny up straight. Hermione cried and ran over to them, hugging her boys, then turning to her best friend. Ginny smiled and pulled away, her hand over her small, developing bump. Harry put his arm around Ginny's waist and he sighed 'We are in this together...all 5 of us' He turned to Harry and Hermione, slowly, pulled his hand over to them. They all stood, in silence, staring at each other, then in a sudden joint movement, they all hugged each other, including Draco. He was part of them now. 'We're a team' Ron said, looking, quickly, over to Draco, then over to Hermione, who smiled in a look of appreciation. 

They stood and seperated, one by one, looking over to McGonagall who was wiping away a small tear 'So young' She whispered 'Time to get prepared, Hogwarts is going to war'. 

That Evening...

Draco twirled Hermione's hair around his fingers, his chesnut locks curling into small bouncing waves. Hermione sat on his lap, her knees crunched up, keaning her head agaisnt his chest. Her tears had soaked through his black shirt, but he couldn't care in the lightest. They were in Draco's room, somewhere no one would disturb them, although the ony people in the school wer Aurors, The Order and the 5 friends.

Ginny and Harry had been in there room, talking and discussing about their baby, while Ron was in his room, thinking about his brother, the one that had has his life taken away at the most brutal way and left to rot, like garbage on a motorway.

Hermione looked up to Draco and kissed him lightly, he soon returned the kiss, Hermione realised they hadn't been intimate, sexually, ever. But, although it didn't seem the appropriate time, Hermione felt that now was as good as never. She slipped her tongue into his, and he smirked agasint her lips. He suddenly became incredibly enthustiastic and pulled her up onto his knees. She gasped as his lips soon trailed down her neck and left small kisses. Hermione made a small groan and pushed him down on the bed, licking her lips in a non-Hermione like action. He smiled and un did the buttons on her top, revealing her light green, laced bra. He kissed her chest, whispering agaisnt her skin 'Green suits you'. Hermione laughed and pushed him down, unbuckling his torusers 'Just shut up and do this!'. He moaned as she crawled down his body, pulling off his pants.

A few hours later, Hermione and Draco panted for breath. She rolled over and pressed herself agasint the side of his body, kissing him 'You're welcome'. He chuckled and looked down at her, then around the room, their clothes were thrown around the room. He smirked 'Never knew you were so flexable' Hermione hit him 'We've had sex, you've seen me naked now get over the dirty talk'.

'Who was better' He smiled 'Me or George'. Hermione rolled her eyes 'You have a vile mind'. Draco laughed and kissed her 'Was he your first?'. Hermione sighed 'Ofcourse not...Krum-' She stopped herslef, now was not the time.

Draco sat up and looked down at her 'Did you and him...?'

'I don't want to talk about it'

'When? Becaus you hooked up with George on the night of Fleur and Bill's wedding and you haen't seen him before that unless you count the Triwizard Tournement but you were only 14....' Hermione's breath became unsteady and she sat up, walking over to her clothes. She picked up her shirt and buttoned it up, Draco frowned and watched on 'Did you and him...?''

'I don't wan to talk about it' She said pulling on her skirt.

'Did he-'

'I said I don't want to talk about it!' She yelled. Draco gasped and stood up, taking her hands in his 'Did he...did he rape you?'. Hermione felt a small tear run down her cheek and she nodded, but as he tried to pull her inot a hug, a large BANG was heard downstairs. Hermione gasped and heard a scream. Draco ran over to his clothes, quickly pulling them on and then followed Hermione down the stairs. Hermione gasped and looked away, burying herself behind Draco's back.

Harry and Ginny were standing beside them, Ginny shaking trribly, while Ron stood behind them all. Harry stumbled forward 'Who-who are you?'.

Hermione looked over to see the large man who had killed his parents, standing only metres away. He held in his hand a bloodied thing that looked like a brown/tanned ball. Harry pointed his wand to it 'What is that'.

The man chuckled and turned it around, Ginny and Hermione screamed in terror, he croaked 'I'm holding the severed head of Minevera McGonagall'

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