Ending of a non-relationship

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Hermione had seen Ginny at the hospital ward, and was now walking back to her dorm, giving up on the idea of visiting the Libary. It was late, 11:45pm to be exact, and Hermione was slowly placing to her chambers, alone.

She reached the changing stairs and lightly jumped onto a moving case. It pushed her to the third floor where she began walking to another, until she noticed Harry and Ron quickly running down the stairs. Hermione watched as they whispered to each other 'They will hit me next...Hermione's parents...your brother-' Harry stopped and patted Ron's back, but continued to pace, not quite having enough time to console him.

Hermione waved her hand up 'Boys!' she called. They looked so suprised to see her they clashed into each other. 'Arg!' Harry said patting his head. Ron rolled his eyes 'Stop being so dramatic, Harry'. But Harry dropped to his knees, yelling in pain. Hermione and Ron gave worried looks to each other and Hermione knelt beside him. She wiped his hair from his face and gasp, his lighting scar was burning red.

Harry soon relaxed, gasping for air. 'Harry, that only happens when-'

'Yes I know Hermione!' Harry yelled, crawling to his feet 'We were out here looking for you!'. Hermione crossed her arms 'Ginny is in the hospital ward because of her pregnancy...she's fine but I thought I would check on her, plus Sarah Kempston was poisioned!'.

They soon began walking up the stairs to their common room, after Hermione had attempted to reach her destination...again. 'We heard...well we all know who gave her the posion' Hermione gave him a confused look 'Draco-'

'Draco?!' Hermione yelled. They soon reached the common room and after saying the password, thye walked inside 'Draco was with me!' She yelled, determined to prove his innoncence. Hermione sighed as she saw George who was reading the newspaper in the corner, his face angry and his grip, tight, around the paper. She walked over to him, kissing his cheek 'Where have you been, I needed you' She whispered.

'Needed me?' He said through gritted teeth 'Or needed Draco?'.

'What have I done now?' Draco's slythering voice came from the stairs, he smirked as he saw the glaring faces towards him. He walked over to the couch and planked onto it, his feet resting over the arm of the sofa. He ran his hand through his hair, smirking 'Well...?'

'George seems to have the purposturous idea that you poisoned...' 

'Poisnoned?!' Draco jumped up, his knees bending and leaving a small area for him to lean his arms on 'Who did I poison, exactly, then, George?'.

Hermione went to say something, but realised there was nothing to say. She didn't even know who the poison was for? 

'Yes, who was it for?' Harry said raising his eyebrows. Hermione frowned and looked into the fire. She walked over to the couch, picking George and Draco to their feet by their collars. She glared at both of them 'Let's go find out'.

They followed Hemrione as she quickly paced out of the common room, Draco and George right behind her. She stalked towards the medical ward, creeping past Madame Pomfrey. She pulled on George's sleeve as he paused at his sisters bed. Draco pulled up a chair and gestured for Hermione to sit, which she did - much to George's dismay. She leaned across, placing her hand over Sarah's mouth, making her jump quickly. She soon relaxed at Hermione's presence, and soon she took away her hand.

'Sarah' Hermione whispered 'You have about...90 seconds to tell me everything...starting with who gave you that bottle?'. Sarah swallowed and looked down 'I- I don't know'. George  and Draco sighed and threw their hands in the air. Sarah looked at her hands, fidling and fidgeting. She sighed 'I didn't see his face but he had a dark mark...and I know it's not very helpful-'

'That's very helpful' Hermione smiled 'But, who did he say the bottle was for?'. Sarah didn't say anything, she just, weakly, lifted up her hand and pointed towards Draco. Hermione gasped, and even George seemed surprised. Soon Madame Profrey came charging in 'It's past midnight! ' She yelled pushing the three out inot the corridor 'How dare you come in to here without my permission-'

'Poppy' McGonagall's soft voice made Hermione jump, however calm it was. The head misteress had her hair plaited to the side, and she wore a light green dressing gown, matched with emerald glasses 'Do please excuse me, I was just taking an evening stroll. It'ssomething Albus taught me to do when the mind must ease...' She said as she noticed the look at her unusual clothes. Pomfrey smiled and nodded, turning on her heel and exitiing the corridor, quickly.

Professor McGonagall looked at the three children and sighed 'I guess you better follow me...' And so they followed their headmisteress into her office'

'Yes, but who would want Draco dead?' Hermione sighed, folding her arms. George gave a small chuckle, but Hermione dismissed it. Draco sighed and ran his hand through his hair 'Everyone'.

'But who is everyone?' McGonagall asked, standing beside Dumbledoor's sleeping portait.

Draco leaned back in his chair 'Everyone, used to mean people like you. Who supported The Order, but now saying everyone, I mean everyone - Including my own side'.

Hermione walked over to Draco, squeezing his shaking hand 'Why would Death eaters want to kill you?'.

There was a silenece across the room. Everyone ofcourse knew the answer. 

Draco smirked and looked down at Hermone, who rubbed his hand with her thumb. He had missed her touch. George looked on, watching as Hermione and Draco shared a small - incredibly small - momment. He knew it was stupid to think she could get over him. He took a deep breath and walkde towards the door.

Hermione gathered herself to her feet, Draco joining her 'Where are you going, George?'.

'I should return to my life, Hermione and so should you' Hermione frowned 'Bring yourself to reality, Hermione, a war is coming and I shouldn't be the one you spend your last momments with'. He turned to the door but Hermione cried 'George, don't leave me! I need you'.

George shook his head 'I know why deatheaters hate you, Draco' His sudden communication to him made Daco look up from the floor he had be staring at, his eyes had focoused so hard they could burn through the cobble stones.

'They hate you because you did the one thing you promised you wouldn't do...fall in love with Granger' He lifted his arm and pointed to towards them, they looked down and saw that he was pointing to their hands, their fingers interlocked.

Hermione didn't have enough time to look up and see him go, the door had shut quickly behind him, already.

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