What the Future holds

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Hermione decided to return to their common room to collect her new equipment and supplies. Walking up the cobble stairs, she heard a large thump in her room. Running to see the intruder, Hermione was surprised to find Ginny standing beside Hermione's wardrobe.

'Ginny?!' Hermione yelled, crossing her arm 'First this morning, now this!'

Ginny quickly shoved something in her bag and walked to the door Hermione was standing beside 'Just borrowing some shoes'

'For what?' Hermione said, stepping infront of the exit of Ginny's path.

Ginny gave a small sigh 'Hogsmeade...Harry and I are going for lunch on Sunday and I wanted to look my best-'

'What shoes?' Hermione asked, but Ginny looked to the floor 'What shoes?'

'Umm...those green pumps'

'Oh really?' Hermione said 'The ones that were burnt the night the Burrow was destroyed 3 years ago?'.

Ginny sighed and reached for the door 'For now, don't ask any questions'. And before Hermione could stop her, Ginny pushed through and out of the room. 'Ginny!' Hermione yelled, angrily. But instead of Ginny returning, Draco appeared from his chamber 'I heard a yell'

Hermione sighed and walked into her room, which followed (Hermione didn't mind, she wanted him to) 'Well, you heard correctly'.

Draco didnt ask any questions like 'What's happened' 'Why did you scream', instead he sat on her bed as she rummaged though her wardrobe.

'That sneaky woman!' Hermione grunted 'She stole the letter you left me before...you left'. Hermione huffed and kicked the wardrobe door, making it thud close. She hadn't noticed that Draco's face had lit up, smirking to himself he couldn't resist but whisper 'You kept my letter'. Hermione did hear him, but she didn't want to explain, she was already running late and couldn't waste any more time. Grabbing her satchel, she shoved in her new books; Magical drafts and Potions, The Dark Forces and A History of Magic-

'The Dark Forces?' Draco said, obseriving the large, black book as it sat in Hermione's school bag 'I didn't have that book in my supplies...'. Hermione fastened her bag and threw it over her shoulder, maybe they didn't want him involving in Dark Magic...again, Hermione thought. She sighed and placed a hand on Draco's shoulder 'You should of got breakfast'. He rolled his eyes and stood up, walking over to the door 'Don't moan to me about food, you're the one who has lost weight'. This was true. Hermione had thinned quite drastically when Draco left, she couldn't hold any food down before throwing it back up and, even after 3 years, she hadn't gained the appropriate weight back.

Draco left and Hermione felt a little doubt come over her, would he ever speak to her as a friend again?

'So...' Said Professor Slughorn 'This afternoon will she be making a small cup of Cupid Crystals!'

'Like the ones made in Weasleys Wizarding Weezes, sir?' A pupil, Hermione didn't recognise, asked. There was a small silence in the room, and many eyes followed towards Ron. Harry and Hermione looked at each other and sighed. Harry patted Ron on his shoulder, but Ron shook his head, walking outside, quickly. No one was suprised. Slughorn gave a small sigh and turned to the pupil who had caused the drama 'Some things are better off out in the open, others take time'.

The class soon resumed to their nromal discussion as the Professor headed to his desk and turned over his hourglass '1 hour'. Everyone rushed to their places and opened their books to their fixed page, 243.

'Last time we were here' Harry sighed 'I had Severus' book'. Hermione nodded and gave a small smile 'How times have changed'. The mood was once again dark and Hemrione didn't like it 'I saw Ginny in my room today...twice' She said as she chopped up some FliggerWortters 'She took the letter Draco left in the Hospital Ward in Sixth year, remember?'.

Harry nodded 'Why would she want that?'

'Defeats me' Hermione sighed as the pink potion bubbled in the cauldon 'But she wanted it...I woke up this morning to find her rummaging through my drawers...she found it after Breakfast in my wardrobe'

'Maybe she is just interested' Harry said, but he couldn't even convinve himself.

'She could of just asked, instead of lying about borrowing some of my shoes...' Hemione trailed on, lowering her tone as she heard herself becoming slightly angry.

'Ooh' Professor Slughorn appeared over Harry's caulron 'I think that just needs 500ml of Gubber Lettuce and I think you are done' He smiled 'Oh...I was meaning to tell you, I am having my Slug Club tonight, would you and Miss Granger care to join? I'm sure that some of the pupils will like some advice on how you achieved full marks in such a high degree class...'

'It would be a pleasure' Hemrione smiled

'Oh...and do bring Wesley-'

'Weasley, sir' Harry smiled

'Yes...Weasty, I'm sure he can come' Hermione knew he was only invited because Slughorn felt bad for the previous events 'Oh and do tell Mr Weasty to wear some more...mordern robes, rather than the Yule Ball...fashion'. Hermione chuckled to herself and nodded 'I will, Professor'.

'Why do  have to come to this stupid thing again?' Ron said tugging at his hair that Hermione gelled back 'Because, Ronald, they want the Golden Trio, and a trio implies 3 people...not two!'. Harry shook his head in laughter as they stumbled into Slughorns office. Inside was a large oak table, holding only four chairs, beside it was 3 or 4 other tables that held about 6 pupils. Being quite late, the three headed to a table that had 4 places empty. On the table was a plate of turkey pie, a dollop of creamy mash and served with a dark, thincly looking gravy. Ron smiled and tuck in.

'Oh Harry!' Slughorn said walking to their table 'I see you have met Aaron and Alice McMillan...I believe their brother Ernest was in your year, Harry...smart kid he was, although he did make a few mistakes...' Harry knew what he was talking about. Ernest had accused Harry of being the heir of Slytherin in second year. 'Well...his twin brother and sister are equally as smart...say hello'

Harry cleared his throat and looked across the table and nodded, with a pathetic wave 'Hello, I'm Harry-'

'Potter' Aaron snarled 'Yes, we know about you'

'Who hasn't' Said a light, sweet voice. Slughorn turned aound and clasped his hands 'Minevera! Come sit!'. Professor McGonagall smiled and took a place at the grand oak table, beside her was Matron and Professor Flitwick. 'I do not mean to be a nooosense but I brought along Professor Trewalney' McGoangall leaned across the table 'Seen some visions of her close uncle...not too nice'

'Not a problem!' Slughorn smiled. He drew out his wand and with a slight wave of his wand, the table exteded and another chair appeared 'Please, sit down Sybill'.

The night went on, with drinking and eating, it turned out better than Ron had expected. But things took a gradual turn. Slughorn had put on his old records and the tables were moved aside for dancing. But Hermione leaned her back agaisnt the wall, watching on.

'Evening, dear' Hermione sighed and saw Professor Trewalney pull a chair up to Hermione.


'Still do not hold the power of Divination, I see' Hermione crossed her arms 'I simply base my atitudes on facts, not some majestic prophecy...'

Trewalney grabbed Hermione's left hand 'Lets see...you have come in contact with someone new...a boy...you don't trust an old friend...and ofcourse your parents have been kidnapped...-'

'WHAT?!' Hermione screamed, sileninc the music and stopping the dancing.

'What on earth is the matter, Granger?' Slughorn sighed.

'Dark things are coming'  Trewalney gasped, her eyes rolling backwards 'Terrible, terrible, dark things...there was 3...then there was 2...now only 1...beware Granger...do not close your eyes because that is where the danger lies...'  The profssor gasped for air and her eyes returned 'Oh heavens, what is the time?'. Hermione pulled away her hand and looked over to Harry and Ron. Everyone's faces mimicking hers...shear terror and disbelief...

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