Hot to Boil

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'I can't do this, Harry' Hermione whispered, pinching the bridge of her nose, it was something she had picked up from Harry when he was stressed 'I can't stand up there and ask for my parents back while they are being tortured. They are never going to hand them over, I need to go and rescue them, not stand up there and cry!'.

Harry sighed and wrapped his arm around Hermione's shoulder, pulling her closer. He hated seeing her so upset. Ginny and Ron were sitting across Hermione and Ginny's room, their eyes not leaving their worried best friends. Ginny rested her head on Ron's shoulder, and they all sat there, silent and still, the only noise came from the creaking of the bedroom door.

Hermione looked up as soon as she heard his voice. 'You read, Granger?'. Hermione sniffed and nodded, standing up and giving a small 'bye' to her friends. Draco held out his arm for her to take, and she did, gratefully. 'Thanks' She whispered as they exited the common room 'You know, for coming with me today, I didn't want the others to come. You know Ginny, she may be strong but she will probably cry too, she was fond of my parents when she stayed over a while back. And Ron, well, he will just-'

'Blubber and cry' Dracoo smirked.

'Yes, but so will I' Hermione sighed 'I wish I was strong and brave like Harry'

'Then why didn't you invite him?' Draco frowned, looking down at Hermione, he towered over her.

'McGonagall advised not to' Hermione said, looking up to him, reminding her of his striking good looks 'She thought it would cause as distraction to the point of the conference...'

'So instead you invited an ex death eater' Draco chuckled. Hermione did too, until they came to a hault out of the grounds, near to Hogsmeade.

'Miss Granger' Kinsgley smiled, shaking hre hand, lightly 'Mr Malfoy' There was only a small nod between them, the tension was always high. After a small count to 3, they apparated to Department of Magic, where Hermione found herself standning infront of 40 - 50 photographers and journalists. Hermione gulped loudly as the flashing began. Draco pulled her aside, following Kinsgley behind a large dark skinned man, who ushered them to a small stage. Draco had to help Hermione up the stairs, to stop her from falling.

Hermione's knees wobbled, she was nervous. Incredibly nervous. Hermione didn't understand why she was so nervous, she wasn't like this during the war. But she could only guess that she had nothing to lose apart from her friends, and they were in the exact same position. Aswell her parents were safe last time, they had moved to Australia and were living a care free life, unaware that their daughter (who had removed her existence from their memory) was battling for equality in a wizarding world.

'Ahem' A journalist said as Hermione stared into the crowd. Hermione looked towards Draco and he nodded, edging her to continue. Hermione drew out her wand and pressed it against her neck, murmuring a projection spell 'Sonorus' her voice loudened suddenly and she swallowed, loudly echoing through the halls 'I am here, plea-' Draco nudged her slightly with his elbow 'to ask for the safe return of...of my p-parents'. The lights flashed in Hermione's eyes as they took her first quote.

Under the loud click of photographers and the yells of journaists 'Miss Granger is it true that Harry Potter has retired from battling the dark forces...?!' Hermione heard a few cracks of apparation. She squinted her eyes and focoused, until she realised the familiar red heads bustling through the crowd. 'Molly, Arthur, Billy...where's Fr-?'

'Right here' Hermione felt a small crack and Fred appaeared beside her, holding her hand, tightly. Hermione felt the teras wel up and she looked up at him 'thank you' she whispered. Slowly, he lightly leant down and closed the gap betwen their lips, this, ofcourse, sent the crowd wild.

'Fred Weasley...Hermione Granger?!'

'This will make headlines!'

Kingsley made the crowd hush, but Hermione felt Draco slip away. She turned to stop him, but was stopped herself by Fred 'Hermione...she asked you a question?'. Hermione glanced at Fred, with a confused expression, then looked to a small, petit woman, who wore bright green clothes that were dressed with pink furs. 'Rita Skeeter...' Hermione said through gritted teeth. She was the woman who had messed and muddled with The Golden Trio, and turned many against them. She had written lies about Harry's age, Hermione and Harry's 'relationship', Victor Krums curse...Victor Krum still made Hermione blush.

'Ahem' Skeeter said, standing up, her floating parchment and quill following behind 'I asked you a question, Miss Granger'.

Hermione stood up straight, not wanting to look threatened 'Well I didn't hear it, Miss Skeeter'.

The woman raised her eyebrow and whispered to the quill '20 year old with a heal of a past, heal of a history, but hell of an atitude...ooh yes, I do like that, make that in bold, dear' Hermione rolled her eyes 'Now, dear, I asked; you may be with this, Fred Weasley, but are you truley over Draco Malfoy..?'. Hermione saw many people lean in, as if to say 'Well, are you?'. Hermione gulped, loudly, she was taking too long to reply.

Rita giggled to herself and looked to Fred 'Such a hancim, young man, gone to waste...' Her eyes grew wide and she turned around, facing her quill 'Defintely add that...!'.

Hermione felt her knees fall, slightly, but, the true Gryfindor that she was, she looked up and said 'I want my parents back, I am willing to make an exchange, money' There was few gasps around the room and Hermione fet Fred look down at her suddenly 'Hermione!' He yelled 'You can't go back on that now...what have you done?!'

Hermione shook her head 'I have to sacrifice somethings, Fred and I'm willing to die for the right things. Don't be mad Fred, I'm just doing this for my parents safety-' Fred didn't let her finish, instead he held her tightky in a hug. The lightning flashes of photgraphs made Hermione wince, but sudden;y there was a large hush and Hermione stood up straight to see Percy Weasley, calmly, walking on the staged platform. He gave them a stern look and said,  under a small tone voice so no one would here 'My office...instantly'. He nodded to the crowd, shook Kingsley's hand and began to walk out, followed behind with a, very confused, Hermione Granger and Fred.

Suddenly there was a large green flame and a black poof of smoke. Hermione fell back, hitting her head hard on the ground. There was sudden sreams and yells, but not of pain, of a horrifying sight. Then, just when Hermione thought photographers couldn't have been more enthusiastic, there was a sharade of white flashess, not to Hermione but a figure, standing near a black, stone fireplace.

Hermione crawled to her feet, beside Fred and gasped. A non familiar face stood, glaring at Hermione. Though she did not know him she recognised him from wanted posters 'Hello, Miss Granger. It's nice to finally see you...your parents didn't really have much to say about you...' Suddenly two figures appeared beside him, holding two other people. With a large bang, the people were dropped to the floor 'Here is mummy and daddy, by the way...although they are less chatty now than they were when we met them...' With a clap, they were gone, leaving Hemrione's parents laying on the stone, marble floor.

Hermione stood speachless and looked to a small plump man who ran to them. He kneeled, recumbently and then, with a small shake of his head, he looked up and sighed 'I am incredibly sorry Miss Granger...' Hermione screamed and crumbled to the floor. She banged her fist on the stage, and cried at the top of her voice.

Fred looked down, he was as speachless as her. He kneeled besider her before hearing the words everyone had dreaded 'dead'.

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