Disloyal Descions

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'What a load off bull-'

'Ronald!' Ginny roared 'This isn't the time to argue!'. Ron rolled his light bluey eyes and crossed his arms.

Everyone was huddled together in the lounge, couple by couple. On the sofa was Neville and Lun who held hands sweetly, but very tightly. Then standning up, leaning against the wall was George, who had Hermione hugging him warmly, afraid to let go. Ron sat perched on a chair as Cho leaned on his his shoulder watching the only movement in the room; Harry. He was pacing up and down, his head red with anger. Now and then he would storm up to something a smash it into pieces, he even yelled a few spells - this scared alot of them. 'Why now, eh?' He breathed 'They know I killed Voldemolt why not do it while I mourned the dead? At my most weakest?'

Hermione felt George tense between her arms. It took him so long to mourn over Freddy. Some say he will never be the same after losing his other half. Ron didn't seemed satisfied with Hermione's story and stood up, moving Cho to an upright position 'If Hermione's serious about this accusation-'

'It's not an accusation!' George said, standing away from the wall, pushing away Hermione. The brothers began taunting each other, getting in each others faces. Soon things became violent. A quick shove on the shoulders by Ron followed by a big swing of George's wrist, ending in Ron's nose turning the colour of his flame red hair. Blood was everywhere. Hermione tried to seperate them, yelling at George and pulling him by his jumper but he was too busy spitting cursing words towards Ron 'You barstard!' He yelled 'You ungrateful, slimeball of a pig!'.

'Enough!' Ginny said pushing Ron away. Neville and Luna had stood up, but as Neville stood fixed in his place Luna lightly stepped towards the boys 'Ferula'. Suddenly the boys stopped fighting as large bundles of bandage began tying itself around their cuts and bruises. 'Now you two, listen to me' She said in her lightly, sweet tone 'Your best friends are horrified by this news that what they thought had ended, has only really just begun. And you two have stood here arguing, fighting like we have the time to! Hermione needs to book an appointment with the Minister of Magic and he-'

'Woah' Hermione inturppted 'I don't want to see him' She looked to the Weasleys who had furrowed their brows 'I mean is it nessercary?'

Harry cleared his throat 'Yes, I think you should go Hermione. Last time we went on our own and look how many people died'. Hermione could of said the obvious thing and state that they hadn't lost the war, by she knew they had lost friends, many close friends. Hermione nodded 'Fine, ok'.

Soon Ginny pulled Harry upstairs to calm him down. He seemed very affected by the news. Hermione could see that although Ron was being treated and talked to by Cho, Neville and Luna, he was still glaring at Hermione and George. Hermione sighed and pulled George by his hand and lead him upstairs. Closing the door behind her, she sighed and rested her head agasint the wood, tears falling from her onto her cheeks. George came up beside her and kissed her neck smoothingly 'We are alone, shall we...' He stopped and relaised her damp cheeks 'Hermione?!' He pulled her into his arms as she sobbed and sobbed. That sat like that for what seemed like forever.

*   *   *   *

'A revolution, you say?'

'Yes' Hermione said, placing down her china cup back on its saucer 'Greyback-'

'Greyback? No dear, you must be mistaken' The man shook his head 'He is dead - you killed him!'

Hermione sighed and relaxed in her chair 'I only hexed him' The man nearly dropped his tea, the panic flooded his face. 'I saw him, biting Lavender Brown, and rage built up inside of me so I-'

'Killed him?'

Attempted to, but I wasn't strong enough' Hermione shook her head in shame.

The man exhaled heavily and buried his head in his hands 'Why?' he breathed 'Twice they have tried, and twice they have failed. I mean for merlins sake! The Dark Lord is gone - FOREVER!'

Hermione leaned forward inches away from his desk 'You know it's possible for them to win a revolution, so let me tell Wizard and Witches of what is to come, to prepare'

'And strike fear?'

'A word of warning - they deserve to know!' Hermione was beginning to lose her temper.

'You must understand, dear child, that yes they could overcome the war but we must not show weakness'  The man sipped his tea and sighed 'So, anyone who has any, and I mean ANY connections with the Dark Side shall be-'

'Removerd? Inprisioned?'

'Executed after following the Dementors Kiss'

'Bur Minister!' Hermione yelled standing up angrily.

'I do undertand that you have connection with Draco Malfoy...' He pushed his hald moon glasses up his nose 'And although he was, some say 'pushed upon' this path, he still, netherless, chose to walk it' Hermione was astanded by his reply '-Whether you like or not Miss Granger, I am in contorl of the Wizarding World and however long that lasts I am not allowing anyone who may be threat to our kind walk our streets FREELY!' He stood up and pointed to the door 'Now, would you be so kind and shut the door on your way out'.

Hermione stood up, riddled up with anger 'Your family would be ashamed with you!' She slamed the door on her way out. But, she swivelled on her heel and headed back for the door but paused and spat 'You were always a stubborn man' as she read the gold plaqued on the door :

'Minister of Magic, Percy Weasley'

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