Very tricky buisness

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Never had Hermione had sex and not have a singe emotion after but guilt. She pulled over the covers, closed her eys and let the tears flood. Hermione's left cheek soaked, as did the pillow that lay under her. She made a small sniff and wiped her nose with her sleeve. Sitting up sligthly, Hermione felt the covers slide of her small, pale frame and onto the boy beside her. At first Hermione hoped she had dreamt it, but by a quick look at his ginger hair, the identification and reality was confrimed. 

Standing up and walking over to her wardrobe, Hermione found an over sized jumper, pulling off the blue shirt that she recognised to be George's. After pulling her up into a bun and shoving on some leggings, Hermione began making her way to the lounge, not caring who saw her in a mess.

'You are meant to be asleep'. Hermione smiled as she heard that slyther of a voice. Hermione turned around and smiled 'So are you'.

'I don't sleep'   

'What are you, a vampire or a wizard?' Hermione placed her hand on her hip. He smiled, stirring the spoon in a mug 'I haven't slept, but I guess you haven't either'. Hermione's smile stopped, dropping quickly 'Wwhat?'

'I heard you-'

'Oh god!' Hermione cried, clasping a hand over her mouth.

He laughed 'Taking out your anger on parts of the bedroom is quite loud' Hermione looked up, confuesed 'I heard you levitate things and throw them across the room-'

'Just like George did' Hermione whispered, running a glass of water.

'Well you do like following George's move' He smirked 'George seemed unusally happy when he went to the toilet this morning before returning to bed, well your bed'. Hermione's cheek rosed, and she sipped her water, quietly. 'I don't even know how you can touch that Weasley scum' He said through  gritted teeth 'How can you date me, fall inlove with me and replace me with him'.

Hermione shook her head and reached for his hand 'It was nothing, it's just sex' She said 'But he is my boyfriend and are just my friend who I happened to love-'


'Huh? Hermione said.

'You said love' He said looking up to her 'You still love me, don't you?'. Hermione smiled and shook her head, walking over to the couch 'Where is everyone?'. Draco followed but stood, sligthly shocked 'Didn't you hear?' Hermione didn't answer, just raised her eyebrows 'The's been destoryed and...' He watched Hermione's mouth open 'Death- death eaters?'

He nodded 'Ofcourse'

'Was anyone hurt?'. Hermione gasped as Draco nodded 'Fleur...she...she's in a comma'. Hermione gasped and stood up, shaking vigriously. Draco placed a hand on her hip 'Percy is missing...the minister of magic'. Hermione gasped as Harry and Ginny came stumbling into the common room 'Oh god!' Ginny screamed, tears flooding down her face, she stumbled across the room, one hand on her  bump, the other rubbing her forehead. Hermione saw Harry crumble to the floor. Hermione stood shocked as George and Ron came running down stairs, their confusion matched hers and Draco's.

'Ginny?!' Ron said 'Whats happened?!'

'It's Percy!' She screamed and grabbed the glass out Hermione's hand, throwing agasint the wall and smashing into pieces 'His dead! His throat was slit and he was left in a river to die!'. George fell to the ground, his hands gripping through his hair. Ron stood, shocked, tears bublling from him. Hermione, however looked around, watching everone. She was shocked, by no doubt, but wanted answers 'How? When?!' She said, crouching beside Harry, who had thrown his glasses across the room. Hermione sighed, running her hand through his hair. He was scared, she could tell. 'Its all happening again' He cried, Hermione nodded and hugged him, crying into him, aswell.

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