That blonde haired boy

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'Hello Hermione' Draco smiled, hands in his pockets, looking at her feet. Speechless, Ginny and Harry looked at each other in shock and confusion. The room was quiet and tense, trying to predict what would happen next. Then, suddenly, Hermione let go of Ron's hand and charged towards Draco, her wand aimed towards him. Everyone imediatley tried to calm her down, but Hermione could see Draco was calm, he hadn't even looked up at her yet. Furious, Hermione struck him across the face, causing McGongall and Ginny to gasp. Relaxed, Draco rubbed his stubbly cheek and his eyes rolled up her body until he latched onto hers 'Always knew how to shut me up, didn't you Granger?'. His voice sent shivers down her spine, but before anyone could expect it she hit him again, but this time she pulled him into her arms, squeezing him so tightly, that even he was suprised at her motion. As the small tears dribbled down her cheeks, Draco closed his eyes, too, savouring this momment, he was in the arms of the one he loved, once again. 

After a while, Professor McGongall cleared her throat and nodded towards the door 'Why don't escort Potter and the Weasley's to their common room, Kingsley?'. So with a slight push of the Headmisteress, everyone escorted the room, shocked.

Hermione sniffed, causing Draco to smirk 'You better no be dribbling down my nice suit, Granger'. She tore apart, hitting his arm at his such relaxed expression. 'So how are you?-'

'How am I?' Hermione said 'You left me, with no contact for 3 years, and when I finally see you, you blow up the whole alley along with me!'

Draco looked at the floor, putting his hands in hs pockets again 'Sorry about that Granger, I couldn't let my mother see you, or Fenrir-'

Hermione scoffed 'I'm here because Fenrir contacted me'

Draco grabbed Hermione's hand, but she pulled away quickly. But she gasped quickly 'How did George know you were going to be here? He said that there would be a suprise or something-'

'Sirius wrote in his will that you, Harry and Ron must go to Hogowarts, under the greatest protecion possible, but he also stated that the one person, that one of the three of you makes you the happiest, the one who makes you laugh the most...the one you love must join them...that's why Ginny is here-'

'So where is Ron's love then?' Hermionesaid folding her arms 'Lavender is dead so who could he possibly-' Hermione gasped 'Me? Still?' She said to herself pacing up and down, but she froze in her spot 'Why are you here?'

'I think we both know why' He smiled.

'What?! No!' She yelled 'George should be here! Not you!'. Draco stepped backwards, hurt. He knew she was with George, but he thought that she would be happy he was here, unless she didn't love him? Draco looked up, hurt in his eyes and shook his head, walking towards the door, Hermione felt a PANG with guilt build up in her heart. As the door slammed, Hermione couldn't help but run after him. He paced down the corridor, pushing pupils out of his way. He could hear the faint run of Hermione behind him, but he quickened his walk, turning right, before running up the stairs to the forth floor- BANG.

'Mr Malfoy!' McGonagall yelled, helping Kinsgley to his feet 'Will you watch where you step?!'

He sighed, breathing quickly 'I'm sorry, I was going to our common room-'

'Draco!' Hermione yelled, running up the staircase 'Draco, please!'

Draco gave McGonagall a worried look and she nodded in understanding 'Your password is Green Candles' but before Draco could go, the professor grabbed his arm 'Don't ignore her forever, Draco, she will want answers soon'. Although he knew she was right, Draco decided to make his way to the common room. 'Green Candles' He whispered, as the portrait opened. He had forgetton that he now had to endure an awkward common room with 4 gryfinndoors.

'Draco' He looked up to see Ginny standing beside th large couch next to fireplace. Sat on the sofa was Harry, who's eyes were staring into Draco. 'I know you all want to slit my throat, so just get on with it'

'Fine then' Ron, who appeared from no where, pointed his wand at Draco's neck. Harry sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose 'Ron save it for later'. Ginny hit Harry on his arm 'Do not encourage him, Harry' She said.

'What's to say that he won't slit our throats while we sleep? Eh?' Ron said.

'Because...'  Ginny sighed 'If he loves Hermione, he wouldn't dare touch us'. There was a silence in the room and Ron disappeared upstairs, and after giving Ginny a disappointed look, Harry followed behind. Draco breathed out heavily 'Thanks'. 'Don't mention it' Ginny sighed gesturing to the sofa, where she sat next to him. Relaxing back into the couch, Draco smirked 'They're gonna kill me one day'. Ginny shook her head as she stared into the fire. 'Don't be so nieve. You all hate, how can you not? Harry, the boy I bullied and hated from the day I stepped onto Hogwarts, you, the girl I help curse in the Chamber of Secrets, Ron, the boy who stole the girl he loved and Hermione...well what did I do right with her?'.

Ginny sighed and patted his back 'None of us hate you, well Ron might, but he will come around, but Harry and I are only looking out for our friend and Hermione, well...who knows? She loves you but loves's very overwhelming, and you disappearing, then reappearing 3 years later, just when she thought she had it all firgure out, it is hard for her and even now she reaches out for answers but you push her away'

'She doesn't want me here, she said she wanted George'

'She is confused, let herthink to herself, just-' Ginny stopped as she heard someone come through the portrait, she stood and whispered 'Just don't push her away anymore, because she won't wait around forever'.

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