Jonghyun (fluff) | Sleepless Night

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Like I said before, this previously used to be a Jonghyun imagines book and now I currently have like 8 fully typed out jjong imagines that are just saved as drafts. I'll be saving those for moments when I get so caught up with college that updating regularly would become a struggle. Today is one of those days, lol!


[PS: he so innocent and pure sosisjsjs]

Song used in this imagine: Love Belt by Jonghyun


I twisted and turned restlessly in bed, feeling sleepy but not being able to sleep at all. I huffed and checked the time on my phone, it was 12:30 am.

I looked next to me and came face to face with an empty space which meant Jonghyun was still awake, practicing his dance for tomorrow's shoot. I groaned and took a hold of his pillow and cuddled into it, allowing his scent to serenade my soul and make me feel at home. I was so used to sleeping next to Jonghyun that a night without him by my side felt so long and incomplete.

I heaved out a heavy breath, feeling a bit at peace with his pillow in between my arms and tried to fall asleep once again, but as usual, it was of no avail.

I laid flat on my back and stared at the dark ceiling, getting lost in my own world as I wrote words up in the air acting like the ceiling was my paper and my finger was my pen. I was so far away from reality that I didn't even notice when Jonghyun finally entered the room. His shadow lingering by the corner of my eye brought me back to reality.

"You're back!" I calmly exclaimed.

"And you're still awake!" He replied back imitating my exact ecstatic tone. I chuckled as he laid down next to me.

"Can't fall asleep?" He asked. "Nope" I replied back with a pout. "Here, come here" he opened his arm wide for me and let me snuggle in closer to him. He wrapped one of his arm around me and with the other one he ruffled my hair, knowing pretty well that playing with my hair made me fall asleep faster. I immediately started feeling sleepy once Jonghyun started running his hands through my hair.

"Want me to sing to you?" Jonghyun asked but I was already so drunk on sleep that I couldn't even open my mouth to speak, so instead I just tightened my arm around his torso, hoping his soothing voice would put me to sleep. I guess Jonghyun got the hint cause the next thing I heard was Jonghyun humming something to himself softly before he started to sing in a whisper

"Please girl you hold me now
I need you
I love you
Please girl, you're my love belt
Hold me
Hold me
Hold me"

Jonghyun's soothing voice filled my ears in a melodic tune as he sang one of my favorite songs to me. His soft voice in this song always calmed me down and the lyrics to this song were just so sweet. Whenever I'd feel sleepless at night, he'd sing this song to me and before I'd know it I'd be knocked off into my world of unconsciousness

Jonghyun kept on singing and towards the end I guess he got tired from running his hand through my hair cause he detached his hand from my head, right when I was on the brink of falling down from my state of consciousness to unconsciousness; but, I was selfish enough to demand that he not stop, not any time soon until he was assured that I was finally asleep

"Jonghyun.." I whined lowly and snuggled in more closer to him, making him chuckle during the song as he get back to running his hand through my hair

Before I knew it I fell fast asleep, but not before hearing Jonghyun whisper loving words into my ears, followed by a sweet kiss on my head. "Good night sweetheart"

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