Jonghyun (fluff) | Fingertips

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I know I've been MIA for so long and I apologize so I hope this imagine makes up for the wait :(

I'll cut my talking short and let's get right into the imagine, shall we!

Enjoy your read!

Morning 7 am rays kissed Jonghyun's chocolate covered skin which awakened the boy from his deep slumber. He got up and got freshened up. Even though his schedule didn't kick in till afternoon, instead of being lazy in bed, he decided to walk around in the chilly autumn weather. Jonghyun loved the cold weather, and even though he wasn't a morning person, for some reason he was feeling the atmosphere this morning had prepared for him. This morning called for Jonghyun to take some time out of his day for himself, spend time by himself, and take time to cure himself. It was an act of self care Jonghyun deeply followed.

He pushed his sheets aside and after getting freshened up he dressed up in black pants, white turtleneck and a long brown coat.

"No breakfast today?" Jonghyun's mom asked.

"Ah, not today mom. I just want to enjoy nature today. I promise I'll eat something before I go to work though" Jonghyun kissed his mom's head and after hugging her, he left.

He made his way towards the park that was nearby SM. He chose to walk instead of drive. He took slow, casual steps as he allowed the morning chilly winds to graze past exposed parts of his skin. He admired the dark red and fire orange colored leaves that coated almost every tree on each block.

As he turned onto SM's street, a wave of crowdedness was exposed to Jonghyun's eyes. What else would he expect? Busy people, busy weekdays. Nothing out of the norm.

He ignored the crowd and chose to waddle his way past the crowd with his gaze set firm on the ground. Not stopping for anything. But, much to his surprise, he did have to make a sudden halt. Right when he almost bumped and almost tripped over a cane.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" Jonghyun softly mumbled and looked up, subconsciously confused at the sight of a cane. However his confusion was eaten up by worry when he noticed a girl who had vision impairment was on her way to try and safely cross the street.

"Oh no that's fine. Please don't say sorry. It was my fault, if anything." She apologized and I clicked my tongue. "Please don't apologize. It's okay. By the way where are you going? Can I assist you, in any way?" Jonghyun sweetly asked

"Um I guess it wont hurt to ask for help on this extremely busy street" the girl shrugged and Jonghyun smiled. The unknown girl told Jonghyun her destination and they both took off after Jonghyun placed a guiding hand on the girl's shoulder, obviously after asking her permission.

"You know It's not safe for you to walk alone on a busy street like this. Not that I'm saying you're not independent and capable enough, don't get me wrong. I'm just genuinely worried, it's not safe" Jonghyun offered advice sweetly with a backup of justification, to which the girl gently giggled.

"I know. I'm new to Seoul. Usually I don't come out this far or on such busy streets all alone, but today I felt like exploring and no one was free to come with me, so I just went out by myself" the girl sighed and Jonghyun found her audible whining cute as he chuckled.

"What's funny?" The unaware girl asked

"Ah nothing, just your way of complaining and then sighing" Jonghyun honestly replied

"That's not funny" she blankly spoke and whined again to which Jonghyun laughed whole heartedly.

"Watch out" Jonghyun tightened his grip on the girl's shoulder to signal her to stop walking. They had encountered another busy street, yet waited patiently for their turn to cross the street

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