Jonghyun (fluff) | First Love

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[March 4th]

It's our dear Roo's birthday!!!!

I know in the last update I said the next one will be a SHINee x reader imagine but since it's Roo's birthday and I got this idea I reallyyy wanted to write it! The next one will definitely be the SHINee x reader imagine, promise!

For this update I'm trying out something new. It's not our usual jonghyun x reader imagine, rather I wanted to focus this on the love between Jonghyun and Roo. Of course you'll be present in this too but there's a teeny bit more of Jonghyun and Roo.

The imagine will be written from Jjong's POV. I hope this works out well and I hope you all like it!



*Jjong POV*

I opened the door to my house and stepped in. For the first time in ages I was home this early. It was currently 8pm and I sighed in content. I took my shoes off and right when I took a step further my love Roo rushed up to me in excitement and started to jump.

"Missed me?" I chuckled at her pure excitement and picked her up in my arms.

"Of course she did." My girlfriend (Y/N) spoke up with a giggle and I looked at her. Seeing her relieved my tiredness in an instant and I smiled at her. "She's been waiting for you all day" she added while shaking her head and I aww'ed

"Of course she has been, today is her birthday!! She wanted me to be with her, right Roo" I asked and Roo licked my lips. I laughed at her excitement and walked towards the kitchen.

"You want to eat something?" (Y/N) asked

"Ill take a glass of juice babe" I replied and (Y/N) nodded her head. She filled a glass of orange juice and passed it to me

"Thank you" I whispered and pecked her lips

"Roo, you want some babe?" I coo'ed at her but she looked away. I smiled and finished the juice in three big gulps

"Got any plans?" (Y/N) asked

"Yeah, I was planning on going live on instagram. Since today is Roo's birthday I wanted her to have some time with my shawols" I replied and (Y/N) nodded

"Okay babe. I'm going to take a shower, have fun with your live" she left and I focused my attention back on Roo

"You excited to meet my fans?" I asked Roo while rushing up to my room. She licked my cheek and I got my answer

I quickly changed into track pants and a loose, sleeveless black shirt before settling comfortably into bed. Roo snuggled in closer to me while I opened my instagram. I went on the live camera option and clicked 'start'. Within five seconds I was live with Roo.

"Annyeong!!" I waved to my thousands of fans that had joined quickly

"Oh boy so many you guys joined" I stated in shock while observing the count of viewers sky rocket

"Hi everyone! I hope you guys are doing well! So today I came home from work early and also today is our Roo's birthday so I decided to go live and celebrate with you all" I spoke while caressing Roo. "As soon as I came home she ran up to me and started jumping in excitement. She had missed me, right Roo?" I asked and she looked intensely at me.

"Not gonna say anything?" I asked with a pout while staring back at her. She did nothing and just stared back with her big pearly eyes

"Mad at appa?" I whispered and she sat up straight. "No?" I asked then she looked away. "So thats a yes..?" I chuckled and she laid back down next to me

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