5HINee (fluff) | Hidden Camera Prank

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I know I haven't updated in a long time and I apologize for that. School year is ending so I had so much stuff to do and under that stress I couldn't even come up with any ideas. But I came up with this soft imagine idea so here it is !

Enjoy !

"Guys, camera is up and running" Onew announced and took a seat around the table.

"Yeah the manager said Taemin is on his way too" Jonghyun took a seat in front of Onew and next to Minho.

"You sure this'll work out?" Minho asked and Jonghyun and Onew nodded their heads.

"It has to. It's a full proof plan" Jonghyun stated.

"Made by me" Onew cheesed and Jonghyun and Minho just looked at Onew with a plain expression before Jonghyun broke out into laughter at this 'joke'

"Okay back to the plan." Minho said and walked up the camera. "Okay SHINee world, so today we're deciding to prank Taemin. Since our maknae is so emotionally shut off we decided to prank him, targeting his emotional side. We're having Taemin arrive in late so we can set things up before hand. The plan is for Key to arrive in late as well and initiate a fight, to which we'll lose our calm too and let's see how it goes from there!" Minho informed into the camera and took his seat.

"Boy is this harsh" Jonghyun chuckled and Onew nodded his head

"But no worries SHINee world, we love our maknae" Onew assured and Minho nodded his head and passed a thumbs up to the camera

Jonghyun's phone rang and he picked his phone up to see a message from the manager saying Taemin and him had just arrived to our dorms. Jonghyun immediately texted Key and informed him of Taemin's arrival. Key replied fairly quickly and said he's on his way too.

"I'm scared I'll end up laughing" Minho admitted

"You better not!" Onew and Jonghyun basically yelled at Minho and he looked down to get himself in the serious mode.

The boys heard the lock click and they started acting like they were the happiest on the earth.

"Anneyong" Taemin greeted and they replied back.

"Come Taemin-ah, dinner is ready. Freshen up quickly" Onew advised and Taemin nodded his head. He headed to his room and we sighed a breath of relief. The boys didn't mention anything as they didn't want to arouse suspicions so they continued on with normal talk. About 10 minutes after taemin's arrival key arrived, infuriated as hell

"Anneyong Key" Jonghyun greeted to which Key just stomped off with the angry look.

"Everything okay with him?" Taemin asked

"I don't know Taemin-ah" Minho replied showing slight concern

"I'll go check on him" Onew said and the boys nodded. Onew left to check up on Key while the others started started serving themselves. 5 minutes later Onew and Key walked out. Onew showed a devastated look on his face while the other three boys caught onto his expression.

"Everything okay hyung?" Taemin asked but Onew didn't reply. Onew just took his seat as Key took a seat next to him. A couple of seconds later Onew cleared his throat and spoke up. "Key— Key has something.. to say" he choked out and everyone stopped what they were doing.

"What is it Key-goon" Jonghyun asked

"I want to quit the group" Key casually announced. The three boys knew what was to come so they masked on a shocked look and then indirectly looked at Taemin, who had a shocked look masking his face as well

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