Night Two(Part one)!

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I fell down, down,down.I felt the air rushing at me. Fast, faster, faster.And suddenly, somehow, a knife shot at me. I swung. And grabbed the knife in mid air.

Right before I hit the floor, he caught me by my under arms.

"I won't let you die like this."

And suddenly,I wasn't me anymore. I had become the INVISIBLE MAN! He, me, Wally struck at me with the knife in his hand. As I saw, I could start to feel the pain, in my chest, my head, my whole body. I tried to pull out the knife as I saw my own body reform through air. I was dying! Clearly Dying!

And I stood up with a jerk. I was in my room. Room no. 13!! I suddenly remembered. Ghosts!Paranormal Species! Scary Stuff!

I remembered everything.

I was in my room, Danny was trying to wake me up. "You were screaming in your sleep." He explained

"You came,"I said as I choked the fear out of me.
"Of course I did, after all, it was the only chance of adventure in this boring college."

He helped me to my feet. I told him what happened last night. He stared at me, his eyes shone as he said:"I shouldv'e come to investigate yesterday, What an Adventure!"

I couldn't believe my ears! He actually said that what an adventure! I mean, is it fun to fall down a spiral stair case? An invisible man to generate through mid air? And it was an adventure?

"Oh, man" I said, remembering the terrible dream. Danny took a look at me, my window,my cupboard and my room.I could see what he was thinking. How could I say that there was an invisible man who threw me off the window with out breaking it?

I made up a stupid explanation that even I didn't believe. I told him that the room was magical. Evil and magical. Don't Call me weird. Imagine what you would have done? Only he could help me. Only he.....

He started examining the room. I wanted to stop him, but he was too fast. He opened the cupboard and I gasped at him in horror. Just as he opened the cupboard, something flew outside, laughing an evil laugh. " Aheehehehe"An evil female laugh and flew out. "What was that" Danny screamed as soon as it went outside.

"Okay, so you were right."He said reassuringly. "I'll help ya."

What do we do, nobody could believe us and we were just two young children. "I'll spend the night with ya." I was surprised by it. I mean, how many people are brave enough to do that?

We discussed for a whole hour.

Until then, nothing happened. We waited for something to happen. Suddenly, I saw a sight that sent a chiver down my spine. My room's curtains fell, and she came into sight. Not like coming, coming, came. Just appear through midair. We both stood up, not obediently, like when a teacher comes into the class, but startled.

The same laugh was echoing through the room, and I guessedthen that my next challenge was an ugly witch.

Then she leaped, we dogged hard right, all in one second. We barely, or I barely dodged it. Because her major target was me. The witch missed and went straight into the wall. The wall was crushed into pieces. I was pretty sure that could also have happened to my bones. Bones! I suddenly realized that I wasn't scared at all. Maybe got used to it. In One Day! amazing huh?  But I was scared a bit. Bit was enough for me to escape.

We ran like crazy, once or twice dodging a flying broom gong by. Sometimes, we would duck, knowing it could break our skulls. We took the lift. pressed 1st floor quickly. I saw her approaching, a lot of wrinkles on her ugly face. "AAHHHHH"I screamed, as she hit the lift door, hard. Hard enough to put a terribly large dent on it.

We crouched into a corner, knowing that she would be waiting for us right at the lift's end. "Um,Wally,could you do me a favour?"
"What? "
" Please complete my homework if I die."

"I owe you a lot more"

"Thanks, buddy."

I looked at the floor indicator. 7...6...5...4...3...2...1!!!

Just as I thought, she was practically waiting for us.

She banged right into the metal back of the lift. We both found a way out. She was right at our tail. I kicked the door hard and it flung open (the guards lock it).

The door banged into the ugly witch. Ofcourse nothing happened to her, but the door looked like some elephant had went through.

"Right!"Danny yelled.

So we went right. Into a tiny street. There was a sign on the side wich said in letters which looked like blood."ELM STREET, WHERE NIGHTMARES COME TRUE"

"Danny, Danny!DANNY!" I yelled in horror as he raced ahead. I may be fast but all that running tired me. I struggled to keep up with Danny, and then I saw something horrible, smething, I still fear, Something.....

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