Night Three (Part Three)!

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We both hit the idea together, but the question was, who was gonna do that part?
Me, of course. It was my responsibility, and besides, she told me to find her body, so they got me cornered.
Any ways, we were there standing outside the madhouse, looking for a chance to get in. We were gonna sneak inside whenever there was a security shift.
Lewy was listening to some music on his phone, leaning his back on the tree behind which we were hiding. There were also some bushes. Danny was looking as it was his phase to watch. I had just done my phase and was looking towards a fine rest when we heard a siren. A car rushed outside and sped away. the guard forgot to close the door , and there was a security shift.

We all saw an open chance and raced across the clearing like madmen. I was really scared of getting caught, to be honest.

Anyways, we got to the mad house and decided to split up. Danny told us through a signal. Anyone who found the body was supposed to text me on my borrowed phone. We didn’t study anything about the mad house, and it was like shooting an arrow in the dark. Lewy went to the left hand building, Danny went in the middle one, and I got the right one. We were, kinda, sharing a hive mind! Trust me, we hadn’t planned anything.

Soo, I got the right building. It was old-ish. It looked like nobody had been there, or didn’t like to go there.

I realized that the door was rusted, so it made a loud noise when I tried to open it. Suddenly all eyes were at me. I decided to act like I was mad, and started to bang the door open and close like monkeys do. That saved my life. Soon everybody was looking at their own interests.


I opened the door in the combo that was still going on, and straight forward entered and shut it in one part, making it sound like I was losing interest in that slamming door.

I sighed in relief.

Then I looked around. It WAS old. And a little creepy. There were spider webs all around.
Spider webs?

I ran on through the doors, slamming each one with a bang, hoping nobody would bother to take a look. Then, I got a smell. A foul smell, like .....rotten bodies?
I was just wondering this when I realised I was in a corridor, an old one.
I must check all those doors?!?
Great. Just great.

I smelled the air again, concentrating on that smell, and suddenly I realised that I could distinguish between all the smells of rotten flesh, and pinpoint their location!
I figured out the location of  the dead bodies of people. As I walked across the rooms, I could smell a dead dog in one room. Somehow, I felt more pity for the dog than for the people who were murdered.  I couldn't resist to get a look at the dog. A look, at least?

I opened the door and found a dead dog, torn apart by somethimg so vicious, so ruthless that I could still smell the fear scent of the dog.  Fancy. How did I do it? Smell so good and find what I was looking for?

I automatically went to the side of the dog and bent to my knee. I just couldn't stop myself. I touched the terrifying bite mark on the side of the dog.
I was in a corridor, running across at ground level. I knew I was following my master, leaded by a fear scent of a person I admired, for he, she had taken care of me when no one did.
I turned a corner and spotted something flying across the room, trying to attack the girl who was my master. Not until then did I realize that I had four paws, and a little tail. I ran across the room, and jumped on the thing that was attacking my master. We struggled on for a few moments and then I felt bite marks on my right side.
"Uuungh" was all I could mutter as I fell down on the floor, bleeding. That thing flew away laughing a vicious laugh. As I fell I saw my master, across the room...crying.
I was back in the room  with the dead dog, my hand dug in his bite mark.
Woah, what was that?
I stared around, like I had just woken up from a deep trance, pulling my hand out from the wound.
I got up,  feeling everything that the dog felt when he was about to die. I felt the pain in my right ribs, as if they were broken. But when I raised my hand to investigate,  I found it all right.

Just weird.

I ran the rest of the way, because I felt how much Important this would be for the dog's spirit. I had to do this. For fluffy. That's what the owner used to call her dog, right?
I got into the last room and found the room full of scents, enough to hurt my newly sensitive nose. I covered my nose with my hand as I went on through the room looking at all the name plates, one by one.

Come on, it wasn't easy without the unbearable scents. The names were rusted, so I couldn't read as easily as it would be with out the rust. Then I heard a  whisper. It was as light as a sumer breeze. I looked in the drection of the whisper and saw a person standing pointing in the direction of a corpse and I read the name :Lucy Williamson. Yes man, yes. This is it.

At last I found it. I looked back at the old man. He was standing there with a knowing look on his face. I suddenly realized that he could be Mr. Williamson.  I wanted to thank him and he just waved his hand as if he had read my mind. Then he pushed me aside and jumped out of the window and disappeared into thin air.
What was that supposed to mean? Why did he do this? How did he disappear?  Again too many questions at the same time. I opened the vault and found a body of a young girl about my age, only ripped apart at the torso area.
Then I breathed a sigh of relief,  after finding a good body for an angry soul. Wait, I breathed a sigh of relif, without all those svemnts spraying into my senses? Damn it, my senses were back to normal. 
As if thimgs weren't bad enough the ghost of Lucy appeared down the open door of the hallway.
This was the first time I had seen her directly, and man she was creepy.


So I got as far away from her as I could get. THUMP! I hit the back of my head at the back wall. Ow, ow,ow,ow. The ghost came flying across the floor towards me. TOWARDS ME? I had completed what she wanted. Now why was she trying to kill me?

She stopped right before my face. This might hurt. It really might. But who cares? I'm the street dog that everyone wants dead, right? Who cares if I die with a ripped open chest or a broken spine. But I'd prefer not dying today. Not now. But I wouldn't be sad for I died for her....
I had closed my eyes, because it was supposed to help with the mental damage that I might get if she tried to kill me.    

Then, as if  she had heard every word I had spoken to myself in my head, she whispered:"don't worry. I'm here to thank you."

What? Really? I guess I'll live till the date with Mal. Maybe it's destined. Oh don't start dreaming already. There's a lot to do to get a girl like her, and it's not hard to go on dreaming.

Lucy got into the vault that held her body, and it closed automatically with a THUMP. I sighed with relief. What xould have been my last moment was to be converted into one of relief.

Ahhh, I guess I've got a dew more days to live. But how many do I have, with all these monsters after me? And what DO they want from me? Amd after all that's happened,  I seem to be doubted for my own survival. All I can do is hope I live to see the other day, and even more, to see her with me.

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