Night Four(Part Two)

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I stumbled back wards. One step. Two. Then as if he had just realised that we were the same, he sighed and Put his hand On my shoulder.
"Hi, Wally"
"Hi, Wally"
And with that, I noticed something rushing towards me at the face level. Instinctively, I dodged. But I didn't need to dodge very hard. Just a little lean to the left should do the trick.
I felt burning in my left ear.
Right. Uh.
"I knew you were gonna do that. You know, that degree of that dodge"

Now I knew that he was not here to play. He required some task , and that was why he was here.Perhaps he wanted me to do some task that was dangerous. Or even make something out of me. Brrr...I shuddered at the thought.
Before I could react, he had sent another punch for my face.
It hit right next to my nose, spinning my head in the other direction.
At that moment, I realized that this guy is gonna grab me weither the sky falls down, or the ground explodes. And he doesn't have good intentions. I ducked as another punch flew by my head. I dodged right, escaping another punch by inches.
"My Turn!"I Said quickly.
Dodging another attacking punch, via aspinning close up, I landed what was my first try. Since I knew I was too close, I had to deal some damage to that guy. With a burst of energy, I hit him as hard as my arms could provide, and as quick as It could be.
I practically heard the voice, orsound, of the punch. But....., It seemed to have no effect at all!
" he,he,he"a tiny laugh that was to mark the downfall of 5 years of fighting ,Which I had been suffering due to my life.
And with that, he used some boxing techniques that are described as follows:
right Jab
left hook
right, left uppercut

after retreating for a considerable amount of steps in haze, I got hit right under the chin by a hard rigthupper cut sending what was left of me flying to the top branch of the tallest tree in sight.

It was a good thing that the tallest tree wasn't too tall.

"AAAHH"  Was all that escaped my throat.
As I plummeted to the ground in top gear, I knew that I heard Him say, "Bo" like he knew that was gonna happen. Like he was from the future, knowing my every move.
Duh, if he was the future me, then he would know what I'll do next. But he didn't, which put me in a kind of advantage, as well as allowing me to kow that he is not from the future.
You see, he practically dismissed it as impossible as I smashed a one handed body slam.

Now I was on top of him. One chance to pin him under me. Well, I am not supposed to be able to pin some one so easily, but if no one, no matter how strong or tough, can shrugg off getting hit by a full size human who jumped from a height of , atleast, 3 metres.
That fact helped me to pin him, but not for long. As soon as he got pinned, I attacked his throat and grabbed it  from behind with my lower arm.
And as that happened, he started gagging.

But I also sensed a difference in his body. I sensed fur on his body.

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