I'm Homeless.

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Brent Above

Brent POV

"Excuse me, you can't stay here all day you have to leave and then come back around 6:00." I look at the man and show him a small smile, "I know, I'm packing my things up now. Thank you for letting me stay here for the night." He shows me a sad smile and then walks away.

I go through this every morning, I wake up in a shelter and get told that I can't stay all day. I have to go to a different shelter where they feed you and let you stay all day. It's pretty stupid in my opinion, but I got used to this way of living.

My name is Brent Clyde and I am a homeless man.

I got kicked out of my house when I was eighteen. Lucky enough I did go to college and finished, but after college, I had nowhere to go. At first, I lived in a cheap apartment, but I had got fired from my job over something I didn't do.

After getting fired I couldn't pay the rent, so I end up getting kicked out at the age of twenty-three. I'm twenty-six now, so basically I've been homeless for three years. My friends stopped hanging with me when they found out I got kicked out of my house.

I pick up my bag and my guitar, I leave the shelter and start heading to the other one. The only thing I have is my guitar, I will sometimes play on the streets and earn a little cash. I would earn enough to buy me some food from a cheap restaurant.

Growl. Growl. Growl. Growl. I place my hand on my stomach and groan, "I haven't eaten in two whole days." I slowly start walking outside, the cold breeze hit me and I shiver. "I'm going to freeze to death by the time I get to the next shelter." I dig in my bag to see if I can find a little snack.

To my disappointment, I don't find anything. Next thing I know I start feeling light-headed. I try to walk but my feet grow heavy. All of a sudden I feel myself falling.

I hit the ground and everything goes black.

Homeless to an Assistant (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now