I Can't Love Anyone Else.

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Brent POV

"Damn it, Faye! Would you get back inside?!" I put the umbrella over her and she looks at me with tears in her eyes. My eyes widen, "W-W-Why are you crying?! What's wrong?! What happened?! Did you see Richard?!"

She tenses at the sound of his name, "He was in my office the entire time." I clench my fist, "What do you mean he was in your office?! Why didn't you call for me?!" I groan in frustration because one Richard was in the building and two this damn umbrella is pointless, I'm still getting soak.

"I thought you would come, but you were busy." Her tears continues to fall, "Can we have our conversation somewhere dry?" I take her hand and she pulls away, "Why can't I be a normal woman? I hate myself. I hate myself! I HATE MYSELF!!" She puts her hands on her head and cries out louder.

I step closer to her and she steps back, "I'm sorry, you couldn't fall for a better person. I'm sorry that you're working for someone as useless as me." I drop my umbrella, "What do you mean useless? You're not useless. Stop calling yourself that."

She continues to cry, "I confess to Richard." My heart stops and my breath hitches, "What do you mean you confessed to Richard?" I whisper out, "I told him my weakness. I told him that I'm a strong and independent woman, but when he comes around I get weak. I depend on you to help me. I'm not strong and I'm not independent, it was just an image I was holding."

I step forward again and she steps back, "Why do you keep stepping back?! What's wrong with me?!" She shakes her head, "You're in a relationship with Julia, I don't want to ruin anything in between you two." I quickly shake my head, "No, we're not in a relationship, it was just a kiss! Nothing more and nothing less."

"Brent, why did my heart stop when I saw you kiss her? Why did my heart feel like someone was squeezing it?" She falls to the ground and continues to cry, "Why am I like this?! I hate being called the Ice Princess! I don't like it when people are afraid of me! I want everybody to show me the type of smile you show me! I want everybody to call me Faye Curtain, not Ice Princess!"

I bend down in front of her and hug her. She leans her forehead on my chest, "It's not my fault I turned out like this! It's not my fault I was raped and left alone afterward! What's wrong with me?! Why can't I be normal?!"

I never thought Faye felt this way about herself. "Why?!" I hug her tightly and she cries harder. The rain slows down just a little, I can tell she wants to stay in the rain. "Faye, you have Jackson and Sarah, they've been with you through it all."

"But they're getting tired of me!" My eyes widen, "What makes you think that? They could never get tired of you. You will always be one of the main people in their lives. You have Katy and Henry. You help Henry with his problem with Sarah, you even helped Katy out. Henry and Katy are always there for you. Let's not forget about your cousin, Michael. He came down here along with his wife and six kids to make sure you're alright. He wants you to find someone to love, he wants you to share a story just like he shares his. You have Julia, Carter, and Trey they also care for you. You can't say nobody cares for you, because the people I just name all care for you."

She clenches my shirt in her fist, "I want to say it, but I can't. I'm scared, I'm scared you might up and leave me like Richard did." Hurt and anger run through my body, "Why would I do that?! Do you really think I would do that?! I would never hurt you! For god sakes, I love you! Why can't you understand that?!" I try to pull away and she hugs my neck, "No! Please! I'm just scared, I hate that I feel like you might leave me!"

I look at her and cup her face, "I would never just up and leave you. How many times do I have to say it?! I love you, Faye Curtain. The only problem is that you can't even say it. Is it really that hard?" I stand up and pull her arms off of me, "Let's get you in, you're going to get sick if you stay out here any longer."

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