I'm Glad You're Opening Up.

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Richard Above

Jackson POV

I watch as Faye and Brent dances. Brent gets on the floor and crawls towards Faye. Mine and Sarah eyes widen when we see Faye laugh for the first time in such a long time.

Faye gets on the floor and crawls towards Brent with a smile on her face. After their dance everybody claps for them. Brent carries Faye around the dance floor and she continues to laugh.

I smile at the scene in front of me, "Looks like I don't have to worry about you much longer." From the corner of my eye, I see Katy laughing at Henry and Sarah.

I walk towards them and wrap my arm around Katy's waist. She tenses up and looks at me, "There's no need for you to act, there are no cameras around." She moves my hand, "That's my first time seeing Faye smile and laugh." I let out a sigh, "I haven't seen it in forever. She's slowly opening up to him and he is slowly breaking down her walls."

"L-Let Go! I-I-I can't breathe!" I look over and see Henry being choke by Sarah. My eyes widen as I quickly pull Sarah away from Henry. Henry starts gasping and coughing, "What the hell Sarah?! I said not in public!" She looks at me with a sweet smile, "I'm better now, I won't argue with him anymore tonight."

I look at Henry and he glares at Sarah, "I'm most definitely going to get you back." Sarah giggles and blows him a kiss, "I can't wait to see what you'll do." Henry steps forward and I pull Sarah closer to me by the waist and hold my arm out in front of Henry's chest, "Get her back after this event."

"I swear Katy and Henry, y'all are so funny to me! My night can't go wrong!" I look at Katy and she is holding her stomach. I clear my throat and she stops laughing, "I can't help but laugh." I roll my eyes, "It's nice meeting you, I'm Richard. Richard Gnaw."

Me and Sarah quickly look towards the voice. I tighten my grip on Sarah's waist and she puts her nails in my arm. "Sarah? Jackson? What's wrong?" Henry asks us as we walk towards the man. He looks our way and his eyes widen. I point towards the back and he starts walking. We follow him to the back and I grab him by his neck and bang him against the wall.

"Get the fuck out of here before Faye sees you!!" I say through gritted teeth, he grabs my wrist and shows me a half smile, "I just had to see how far she's gone." I tighten my grip on him and he taps on my arm, "GET THE FUCK OUT!!"

I let him go and he falls to the floor while holding his neck. He slowly stands up and tries to walk past me, but Sarah points behind him, "Take the back door." He does as he's told and walk out.

I look at Sarah and she rubs her face, "I can't believe that fucker just shows up out of nowhere."

Brent POV

Me and Faye continue to dance with each other. "Let me know when you want to sit down. We have been dancing for quite a while." She looks at me, "Don't tell me you're getting tired." I shake my head and she laughs, "Of course not."

I pull her to me and my stomach starts growling. She laughs as my face turns red, "Let's go eat and then we can come back." I nod my head as we walk to the buffet.

I grab a plate and put everything I like on it. We go to our table and start eating. Sarah and Henry sit down with us, "Where's Jackson and Katy?" Sarah points to the dance floor, "Katy lost a bet and now she's over there dancing with Jackson. She didn't want to."

I look at Henry and arch my eyebrow, "What happened to your neck?" His eyes widen, "You can see markings?!" I nod my head and he glares at Sarah, "I'm black! How the hell do you leave marks on my neck?!" Sarah shrugs her shoulders as she sips her wine, "Who knows and who cares?"

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