She Sleeps With A Stuffed Animal.

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Henry Above

Brent POV

Faye drops her head and sigh, "You're going to carry me out like last time if I don't go, aren't you?" Jackson laughs on the other end, "Yes ma'am, I am."

"Ugh, fine. Are we watching movies the whole time?" He nods his head, "Yeah, you can invite your assistant over if you want to." She looks at me and then back her phone, "I think he already has plans, but I'll come over when I wake up."

They hang up after that, "I can come along. I don't mind, what movies does he watch?" She shrugs her shoulders, "I don't even know, I barely pay attention to what we even watched before." I let out a soft laugh. Someone knocks on the door and a woman slowly comes in.

"Someone is here to see Brent." I arch my eyebrow, "Me? Who?" She shrugs her shoulders and opens the door wider. She walks away and my eyes widen, "Henry?! What are you doing here?!" He looks at me and laughs, "I saw you on the news and decided to come to see you. Haven't seen you since I left the shelter." I walk up to him and give him a man hug.

"Right, you never told me where you work at." He shrugs his shoulders, "I work for the Fields Company." I arch my eyebrow, "Fields Company?" He nods his head, "My best friend company. He works there." I look at Faye and then back at Henry.

"I was looking for you when I had got the job, but I could never find you." I let out a soft laugh, "It's okay, I'm the assistant of Ms.Curtain."

"Faye!! Tell me what happened with that Jerry guy?!" Faye rolls her eyes as Sarah walks in. Sarah looks at Henry with wide eyes, "Hello! Who are you?! My name is Sarah Fields, what's yours?" Henry smile drops and he clears his throat, "I'm Henry, I work at your company. You're the one who hired me." Sarah looks at Henry with an arch eyebrow, "I don't remember that I don't think I would ever forget a face like yours."

Henry rolls his eyes and looks at me, "It was nice seeing you again, Brent. We should hang out sometime." I nod my head, "Give me your number and I can call you whenever I'm free." We exchange numbers and Sarah walks up to us, "You can have my number if you want to."

Henry lets out a long sigh, "I really don't want it. I have to get going. See you later, Brent." Henry walks out and Sarah's mouth drops. She looks at Faye, "Was I just rejected?!" Me and Faye both nod our heads and she walks out.

I arch my eyebrow, "Wasn't she here to ask you about Jerry?" She nods her head, "She's probably going to ask him why he didn't want her number." I drop my head and laugh, "Henry's not going to just fall head over heels for her. She's going to have to try harder."

She nods her head agreeing with me, "I can tell by the way he rolled his eyes at her earlier." I take her plate and throw it away. "Let me tell Jackson that you're coming along. You can invite your friend if you want."

I wash my hands and look at her, "Are we doing anything else today?" She shakes her head, "No, we just have a little meeting to attend to and that's it." I get my clipboard and look at it, "It starts in an hour." She nods her head, "We can leave after that."

At home

"I'm going to change in some comfortable clothes and then I can start cooking us dinner." Faye looks at me, "I want to watch again." I arch my eyebrow, "Okay, you can go ahead and change yourself."

I go to my room and put on some pajama pants and a tank top. I come back down and start getting the stuff out for dinner.

Faye comes back down in a big t-shirt and some ankle socks. "Why do like to watch me cook?" She shrugs her shoulders, "Because I don't have anything else to do, but work." I let out a soft laugh, "Since it's boring to just watch me, how about we talk about something?"

She nods her head and I start making four hamburger patties, "What's your favorite thing to eat?" She shrugs her shoulder, "I don't have a favorite food. I don't have anything I dislike."

I shake my head, "I know for sure your favorite dessert is brownies. You said so yourself. Let's try another question. How many assistants have you had?"

"Five counting you as my sixth one." My eyes widen, "Five?! What happened to them?!" She shrugs them, "I fired them. They didn't reach my expectations. They still work here, I just fired them as my assistant." I let out a nervous laugh, "What's the longest one you kept?"

She looks up at the ceiling, "I think the longest one I kept was a year." I drop my head and groan, "Okay, I don't want to talk about your assistants anymore. I feel like I'm not going to be here long." She shrugs her shoulders, "I can't tell the future."

I shake my head, "What's your favorite food?" I point at the burgers and she arches her eyebrow, "This? Why didn't you make it yesterday?" I shrug my shoulders, "I really don't know, I wanted to try to make some Chinese food."

An hour later I finish making our burgers. "I put some spaghetti sauce on the side just in case you want to dip your burger." She takes a bite of the burger and I wait for her reaction. "It's actually good, I thought I wouldn't like it."

I let out a chuckle, "Just let me know when you don't like something I cook." She nods her head and we continue to eat.

All of a sudden I get a FaceTime call from Katy. "Hey, Katy." She smiles into the camera and wave, "What happened? I saw you and Ms.Curtain on the news." I lean my phone against something and take a sip of my drink, "We went to confront Jerry about harassing the women in his building."

I look over at Faye and see her eating her food. "What are you eating?" I hold my half-eaten burger up in front of the camera, "I made us some pizza burgers tonight. My favorite meal to eat and cook." She arches her eyebrow, "Ms.Curtain is eating that?" I nod my head and laugh, "Yes, she's eating this. I'm trying to minimize her from eating out a lot."

Faye stands up and I look at her, "I'm full, it was good. What are we having tomorrow?" I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, I haven't decided yet." She turns around and heads upstairs, "Goodnight, Ms.Faye."

Once again I don't get a reply. I look back at my phone, "Is it awkward staying under the same roof?" I shake my head as I put my dish in the sink. "It's actually not, we come home, I cook for us, and then we head upstairs to our rooms."

Lucky follows me upstairs to my room. "What are you about to do?" I don't want her to hear me play, "I'm about to play my guitar, so I'll call you tomorrow." Her mouth drops, "Let me listen!" I shake my head with a small smile, "I'm not comfortable playing in front of you yet." She shows me a little pout, "Okay, fine, I'll just talk to you later."

We hang up after that. I don't mind if Faye comes in and listen to me, but I don't know why I don't want anybody else to hear me play. I start playing my guitar and humming along. I look at my door to see if Faye is coming in, but she doesn't come in.

I continue to play for ten more minutes and then call it a night. "She didn't come in today, must have been tired from today."


I wake up later than usual. I look at the time and smile, "I like waking up at 10:30 to 11 o'clock. Nine in the morning is just too much for me." I go to the bathroom and do my morning routine. I put on a long sleeve shirt along with some jeans.

I go downstairs and don't see Faye anywhere. I arch my eyebrow, "She's still asleep?" I ask myself as I walk back up the stairs to her room. I knock on the door and get no answer.

I slowly open the door and see Faye sleeping soundly with a big teddy bear. A small smile crawls on my lip, "The Ice Princess sleeps with stuff animals? Cute." She slowly opens her eyes and looks at me. My eyes widen and I quickly step back, "No need for you to hide anymore. You've already been caught."

I drop my head and slowly step in, "What are you doing in here?" I look at her and sigh, "I wanted to see what you were doing. I didn't hear a knock, so I just thought I take a look." She sits up on the bed and stretch, "Why were you smiling?"

I look at her with wide eyes, "No reason, I always smile." She rolls her eyes and points at her stuff animal, "You're laughing at the fact that I sleep with a stuffed animal? I don't care you can laugh if you want. Is it weird seeing me with a stuffed animal?"

I quickly shake my head, "No, I actually think you look cute sleeping with a stuffed animal."

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