Olive Garden.

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Faye POV

"What kind of phone would you like?" The worker smiles at Brent and he smiles back, "I would like the iPhone X." She nods her head and walks to the back, "Do you have any numbers to put in?"

He shakes his head at me and I arch my eyebrow, "No friends, family?" He shakes his head once again, "Do you want to tell me or no?" He lets out a long sigh and I hold my hand up, "You don't have to tell me."

The worker comes back and hands him the phone, "What plan do you want?" He looks at his new phone and smile, "The unlimited everything." He helps Brent set up his new phone.

Ten minutes pass and we are finally heading to the meeting. "Don't I need your number?" I look at him and hold my hand out, "Yeah, let me put it in." He hands me his phone and I save my number.

"This meeting is about some new business a few men want to build up. I want you to take a few notes." He nods his head and I hand him his phone, "How long will it be?" I look at my phone and sigh, "Hopefully for only an hour. I really don't know how long this meeting will be."

Thirty minutes later we are at a cooperate building. We get out and head in. I look at the lady at the front desk and walk right past her, "You don't have to tell her who you are here to see? Or tell her who you are?" I look at Brent from the corner of my eye, "She would have stopped me if she didn't know who I was or what I am here for."

He looks at me with wide eyes and then back at the woman at the desk. We get in the elevator and a woman gets in with us. She drops her papers, "Ugh! Can this day get any worse?" Brent bends down and helps her pick up her papers and I do the same.

We hand her the papers and she looks at me with wide eyes, "Ms.Curtain?! You didn't have to help me pick up the papers, I could've done it by myself!" She takes the papers out of Brent's hand and looks at him as if he was a prince.

"I'm K-K-Katy." Brent shows her a smile, "I'm Brent and this is Ms.Curtain, but you already know her." She nods her head quickly, "Who assistant are you?" She looks at me, "Jackson Nixon." I roll my eyes, "I should have known, he never attends his meetings. Make sure you sit beside Brent during this meeting. If you miss something just ask him."

She nods her head as we head to the meeting room. "Hello, Ms.Curtain. I'm glad you could make it. Is Jackson with you?" I shake my head and point at Katy, "His assistant is here in his place."

Brent sits in between me and Kayla. A man walks in and claps his hands. "Now that everybody is here, let's get started."

I put one leg over the other and look towards the front. I look over at Brent and see him and Katy talking amongst each other.

The man starts talking and I prop my head on my hand and sigh. These men are trying to start up a museum with a mixture of everything. I look over at Brent and see him taking notes.

I block the men out and pretend I was listening. I take the notes from Brent and write something down.

Don't write anything more, I'm not going to contribute to it.

I hand him his notes back and he reads it.

Okay, I'll just take some notes for Katy. Just in case she missed something.

I look at him and he takes a few more notes and then gives them to Katy. The man continues to talk about the museum and I roll my eyes.

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