I'll Just Get Over You.

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Brent POV

Jackson goes upstairs, "I'm going to go change into something dry." We all watch as he walks away.

We turn back to look at Katy and see her just standing there. "Who's next?" Henry asks while looking at all of us.

I turn around, "I'm going to go check on Jackson. Y'all can go talk to Katy." Sarah and Henry mouth both drop, "In the rain?! Henry run out there and pick her up, bring her in here." Sarah demands, "Yeah, that's not going to happen."

Faye rolls her eyes and steps out in the rain with no umbrella, "I'm not going to talk, but I'm just going to sit out there with her and wait for her to talk about whatever happened."

I watch her with a smile and then head up to find Jackson. I go to Faye room and see him putting on a shirt.

"What happened out there? Out of know where she yells at you. What did she say?" He looks at me as he sits down on the bed, "She doesn't need my fucking kindness is what she said. She pushed me away two times, I've tried to help her two times and I get pushed away."

I lean against the doorway, "Did you and Katy have anything in between each other in the past?" He looks at me and shakes his head, "No, Faye asked me if I did anything with her not too long ago."

"I think she has feelings for you. Just go talk to her." He shakes his head, "I'm not saying a damn thing to her." He stands up and walks past me, I follow him downstairs. "I'm going home."

Sarah stands up quickly, "Wait, you have to take Katy home. She's lives in the same direction as you." He looks at Sarah, "You can give her a ride home, someone who doesn't want my help, will not get in the car with me."

He walks outside in the rain. He walks right past Katy and gets in his car. Katy drops her head and Sarah stands up along with Henry, "Let's go ahead and take her home. I'll drop you off after we drop her off." Sarah says to Henry as they go to the car with Katy tagging behind them.

Faye comes in soaking wet. "I'm going to take a bubble bath. I'm cold." I go to the hall bathroom and grab a towel. I wrap it around her and dry her off, "I can't believe you stayed out there in that rain. Let's hope you don't get sick."

She looks at me as I dry her off, "Get in the tub with me." I freeze at her demand, "Huh? Um, I-I-I d-don't think that's a good idea." She stares at me for five whole seconds, "If I get sick, it's all your fault."

She walks past me and I bang my head against the wall, "How will it be my fault?" She looks at me, "Because you didn't get in the tub with me, I need body heat." She heads upstairs and I follow her, "The bubble bath is enough heat."

She shakes her head, "Do what you want." She goes to her room and stands beside her bedroom door. "If I get in the tub with her I don't have to worry about her getting sick or me getting fired. If I don't get in the tub with her I will probably be on her shit list and she would probably fire me. Plus she's secretly making me guilty."

I drag my feet to my room and grab some fresh clothes. I crawl to her room, "God, please give me strength." I slowly open the door and see Faye walking in her bathroom. I crawl to the bathroom and see her taking her clothes off. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me. She realizes I'm in the doorway, "You really came?"

I fall to the floor, I'm going to die! She's going to kill me! My friend won't calm down! Help me! Somebody! Help me! I promise I won't do anything horrible ever again! Just help me!

"Brent. Brent. Brent!!" I quickly look up at Faye, "Huh? Yes? What happened?" She crosses her arms, "I've been calling your name nonstop. What were you doing?"

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