Rethink Your Feelings To His Confession.

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Brent POV

The doorbell rings, I open the door. "It sounds lively in here. Who's here?" I let Julia in, "Our usual group plus Faye cousin and his wife and kids." She arches her eyebrow, "Cousin? What's her cousin doing here?"

We walk in the living room and she freezes in her spot, "M-M-Michael and Kelly Gavis are standing in the middle of Ms.Faye living room." Aria runs up to me and I pick her up, "Yeah, that's her cousin." I tickle Aria and she giggles.

Faye looks our way and then back at Michael. "All these kids!! They're so cute!!" Julia picks up the first kid that runs by her which is Michael, "You're so cute!!" I sit beside Katy and sigh, "I can't believe Faye and Michael Gavis are related."

I look over at Faye and see Michael talking to her. It looks like she is getting annoyed, "Let's talk about this later. When are y'all even leaving?" Michael looks at Faye with a smile, "Until you find someone. Don't even try to do a fake relationship because I will have a lie detector specialist down here in a quick minute." Faye's mouth drop, "What?! No! Go home! You're invading my space!"

Michael shrugs his shoulders, "Oh well, deal with it. Can the men in here help me get our luggage?" Me and Henry go with Michael to his car, "Where is Jackson?" We both shrug our shoulders, "Jackson, if you don't get out here I will bash your head in a wall!!" Jackson comes out seconds later, "Why are you so mean to me?! Kelly's nice to me."

Michael throws a suitcase at Jackson and he catches it with a grunt, "That's Kelly and I'm me. Take them to the room." We carry the bags in, "Y'all will have to go all the way down the hall and put your bags in those rooms. Brent stays in the biggest guest room." Faye says as she opens the door for us.

"Do you not have a maid or a butler? What happened to the ones I hired for you?" She shrugs her shoulders, "I fired them." Michael eyes widen, "What?! Why?!"

"I didn't want them in my house. I didn't want to give them the key to my house." Michael drops his head, "I give up with you." We take the luggage to their rooms and go back downstairs.

Sarah and Henry stand up, "We have somewhere to be, I just came to see Michael and Kelly." They wave as they walk out. "Jackson, get out." Jackson's mouth drop and Katy laughs at Michael demand, "Would you stop being mean to him!! What did he do?" Kelly asks as she sits on the floor with the kids, "I'm not telling anyone."

Jackson lets out a nervous laugh. He stands up with Katy's hand in his, "We actually have something to do, so we'll see y'all later." Katy arches her eyebrow, "We do?" He speeds walk out of the house and close the door behind him.

"Are you really staying until I get in a relationship?" Faye asks as she leans against the wall, "Yes I am. Your parents told me that you avoided them when they tried to visit." Faye sucks her teeth, "Because it was going to be the same thing over again. Why can't I just fake a relationship like you did?"

Michael stands up, "Because you can't, you haven't been in one relationship since th-."

"Michael! Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Kelly quickly stands up and walk past Michael to comfort Faye, "It's not that easy." I clear my throat, "Me and Julia are going to go up to my room. We don't want to be in the way of your conversation." I grab Julia hand and rush upstairs to my room.

"To be honest I didn't even know what was going on. I was to busy playing with the kids." We sit on the bed and all of a sudden Lucky comes from behind my pillows. "Awe!! He's so cute. What's his name?" I rub Lucky and he purrs, "His name is Lucky. He's Faye cat."

She laughs at the name, "Lucky? That's actually funny since he's a black cat." I nod my head, "That's what I said when I first saw him." She picks him up and rubs his stomach.

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