You Are Beautiful And Powerful Woman.

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Jackson POV

Me and Katy are at a company meeting that is four hours away. I tap my pen impatiently, "Mr.Nixon, what's wrong?" I look at Katy and sigh, "Call me Jackson and I'm worried about Faye right now."

She lets out a soft sigh, "She is alright, Brent is taking care of her as we speak. There is no need for you to worry about her." I pull out my phone and call Brent, he answers seconds later.

"What you doing? How is she?" He lets out a soft laugh, "She's doing fine, she's asleep right now. She fell asleep five minutes after I started running my fingers through her hair." I let out a relieved sigh and he laughs, "How's everything over there?"

I look at Katy and see her getting ready for another meeting, "Just got done with three meetings. We're skipping the fourth one." Katy looks at me, "We are?"

I nod my head and she sighs, "Okay, I'm sorry. Ms.Faye, please move your hand." I hear Brent talking to Faye on the other end, "I'll call your back, Ms.Faye is mad that I woke her out of her sleep." I let out a soft laugh, "Okay, I'll call you later." We hang up after that.

"When is the next meeting?" She looks at her watch, "In fifteen minutes." My eyes widen and I quickly stand up, "Hurry up! Let's go! We're not staying for this meeting!" I grab her hand and pull her along with me, "But sir, this meeting is very important. I think we should stay." I shake my head as we get in the elevator, "No, we already stayed for three of them, I'm not staying for the rest of them."

She pulls her hand away from me and sighs, "Whatever you say. Keep leading the way." The elevator door opens and I peek from both sides, I grab her hand and pull her along with me. We speed walk to my car, "What do you want to do now?"

She looks at me with confusion all over her face, "We're not going home? Don't you want to go see Ms.Curtain?" I shake my head as I pull off, "Nah, Brent's with her anyway, she doesn't need me." She continues to look at me, "What? What did I say? Is there something on my face?"

She shakes her head and looks out the window, "Nothing, nothing at all." I look at her and then back at the road, "Is something wrong?" She looks at me and sighs, "Nothing's wrong. What are we doing?"

I pull up to a club and she arches her eyebrow, "A club? In the middle of the day." We get out the car and I laugh, "It's not really the middle of the day, it opens in an hour."

We walk to the entrance and I knock on the door and someone opens it, "I have never meant someone who comes to a club that hasn't opened yet." Dave lets us in, "Are you here for free drinks again?" I shake my head, "No, not today, I'm driving."

He looks behind me and sees Katy looking around, "Who is she?" Katy looks at him and held her hand out, "I'm Katy, his assistant." He shakes her hand, "Dave, the club owner. How long have you been assisting the weirdo?"

I look at him and laugh, "Four years now. I've been with him for a while." I look at Katy, "What type of people come in this early?" Dave clears his throat and points to the group of people coming in, "Old people come in, and then you have the middle age people coming in, and finally your young people. You can go look around if you want."

She quickly walks away without even giving us a second glance. We go to a table and sit, "How has it been going on with you and Faye?" I look at him with an arch eyebrow, "You're saying that as if we're dating, but she is doing fine."

He shakes his head and laughs, "Y'all still haven't started dating yet. When will that day come?" I look around the club and see Katy looking at the people dancing with a smile on her face, "Never, me and Faye don't see each other like that. Plus, I feel like someone else has caught Faye's eyes."

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