Behind the Mask

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Christine's POV
The next morning I woke up to the most beautiful music box playing. It was a monkey playing the symbols. Then I suddenly remembered all of the events that happened the night before.

"I remember
there was mist . . .
swirling mist
upon a vast, glassy lake . . .
There were candles
all around
and on the lake there
was a boat,
and in the boat
there was a man . . ."

"Who was that shape
in the shadows?
Whose is the face
in the mask?"

I finally succeeds in tearing the mask from his face. Then the Phantom springs up in anger and turn towards me.
I see his awfully disfigured face. All I could think to do was run not realizing the mask was still in my hands.

"Damn you!
You little prying
You little demon -
is this what you wanted to see?"

"Curse you!
You little Iying
You little viper!
now you cannot ever be free!"
He's yelled as he threw me to the floor of this lair.

"Damn you . . .
Curse you . . ."
than you dreamt it -
can you even
dare to look
or bear to
think of me:
this loathsome
gargoyle, who
burns in hell, but secretly
yearns for heaven,
secretly . . .
secretly . . ."

"But, Christine . . ."
I looked up to see sorrow, guilt, and pain in his eyes.

"Fear can
Turn to love - you'll
learn to see, to
find the man
behind the
monster: this . . .
carcass, who
seems a beast, but secretly
dreams of beauty,
secretly . . .
secretly . . ."

"Oh, Christine . . ."
I that moment I felt immediate guilt and I wish I never took off his mask. He has suffered pain and I didn't want to cause him anymore.
I handed him back his mask.

"Come we must return -
those two fools
who run my theatre
will be missing you."
When we returned to my dressing room I wanted to apologize to my angel. As I turned to him I noticed he had already vanished.
I was so scared and I needed someone to be with me. I checked the time and it was about 11:00am. Gleb must be here now, he usually gets here around 10:00am. So I put on one of my pink dresses with a teal cape and fixed my hair, then headed off to talk with Gleb.

As I walked down the hallway I was very cautious of my surroundings, I did not want to bump in to the Phantom. When I got to the door of his office I looked in and saw he was at his desk reading a note. I carefully knocked on the door he looked up surprised.

"Christine! Thank god your here I was worried sick."


"Last night when I came back to you dressing room you vanished, and this morning I received a note about you."

"What did it say?"
I asked as I walked up to his desk.
He handed me the note.

"Do not fear for Miss Daae.
The Angel of Music
has her under his wing.
Make no attempt to see her again."
"Signed O.G."
I knew who sent it and I was struck with fear.

"Your shaking. What's the matter Christine?"
I turned to him as he stood next to me.

"Gleb I need to talk to you. Not here someplace more private."
I said as I lead him up the steps to the roof of the opera.
"Why have you brought us here?"

"I can't go back there!"

"His eyes will find me there!
Those eyes that burn!
My God, who is this man . . .
I can't escape from him . . .I never will!"

"And in this
where night is blind
the Phantom of the Opera
is here:
inside your/my mind . . ."

"There is no Phantom of the Opera . . ."

"Gleb, I've been there -
to his world of
unending night . . .
To a world where
the daylight dissolves
into darkness . . .
darkness . . .
Gleb, I've seen him!
Can I ever
forget that sight?
Can I ever
escape from that face?
So distorted,
deformed, it
was hardly a face,
in that darkness . . .
darkness . . ."

"But his voice
filled my spirit
with a strange, sweet sound . . .
In that night
there was music
in my mind . . .
And through music
my soul began
to soar!
And I heard
as I'd never
heard before . . ."

"What you heard
was a dream
and nothing more . . ."

"Yet in his eyes
all the sadness
of the world . . .
Those pleading eyes,
that both threaten
and adore . . ."

"Christine . . .
Christine . . ."

"Christine . . ."

"What was that?"
Chapter 4 done! Yes I have been updating a lot  lately but this is really fun and a really exciting way to spend my free time. So thank you for reading and feel free to comment what you liked, disliked, loved, and hated. Also comment who do you ship? Is it Christine and Gleb or The Phantom and Christine? Let me know and until the next time I update good morning good evening and good night!

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